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Is Your Smile Ready for the Holidays?

Anderson Family Dental

The holidays are right around the corner! For many of us, that means visiting with family out of state, or inviting loved ones into our own homes. 

Maybe you’re planning a trip to some winter wonderland to escape the Florida heat. Or maybe you’re hoping to just relax and have a little downtime.

Whatever your plans are for this holiday season, the last thing you need is a dental emergency ruining it! Most dental offices in Winter Park, FL will be closed more than usual during the end of the year, and Anderson Family Dental is no exception.

Friends smiling at camera during holidays

Here are 5 easy things you can do to enjoy the holidays without worrying about your teeth!


Many families love a game of touch football in the backyard after Thanksgiving dinner. But unlike organized sports, those spontaneous games don’t usually include mouthguards or helmets to keep your teeth safe.

Bumping into another person can lead to broken, loose, or even knocked out teeth. While we won’t discourage you from enjoying your favorite physical activities during the holidays, do what you can to protect your family’s teeth.

That may mean keeping sports on a soft surface or suggesting an activity that’s low contact. Or if you have mouthguards around, use them!


We’re all looking forward to tearing into those holiday gifts. But using your teeth to gnaw through tough packaging is a recipe for disaster.

Many of us turn to our teeth to help us clip loose threads, break through plastics, or even bend metal. Using your teeth as tools can cause serious damage including chips, fractures, and nerve pain.

If this sounds familiar, do yourself a favor and add a Swiss army knife to your Christmas wish list this year!


Winter holidays are all about getting a break from our normal routine. That may mean taking it easy, or it may mean total chaos trying to prepare elaborate meals. 

Either way, the holidays are an easy time to ignore our usual self-care habits. And many times, brushing and flossing fall by the wayside first.

Do your best to keep your teeth strong and gums healthy over the holidays by sticking to those healthy habits. And remember, if you feel Thanksgiving turkey stuck in your teeth, floss is much safer for your gums than a toothpick!


In all the hustle and bustle of holiday celebrations, many of us forget to drink water. After all, the weather is (a little) cooler than normal, so you may not be sweating as much as just a few months ago.

Unfortunately, many of us also add a lot of dehydrating habits during the holidays. You may enjoy a glass of wine with dinner or eat more salt than usual. 

Even mild dehydration can lead to decreased saliva and dry mouth, which is a recipe for the bacterial in your mouth to go crazy. Staying hydrated helps keep bacteria under control and keep your teeth healthy. 


Who doesn’t love those sweet holiday treats? Whether you’re making cookies for Santa or enjoying Publix pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, many of us eat more sugar than usual during the holidays.

But sugar can also cause serious tooth pain! When we eat sugar, it causes a shift in the pH of our oral environment, which can irritate the small nerves in our teeth. 

In fact, many patients call us convinced they have a severe cavity because of sugar-induced tooth pain. Be sure to rinse well with water after eating and use a quality fluoride toothpaste to help keep sensitivity under control. And maybe leave that one extra cookie for Santa…

What Can You Do to Prevent Dental Emergencies During the Holidays?

If your dentist has recommended treatments, but you’ve been putting them off, now is the time! If possible, try to get your treatments scheduled ASAP. This will help ensure you have a clean bill of dental health going into the holiday season, which will help you avoid dental emergencies.

But if you have a dental emergency in Central Florida while our office is closed, we’re still here to help! We will have an emergency answering service available to help you troubleshoot any issues and communicate with Dr. Anderson so you can get the care you need and get back to enjoying your holidays.

Have a healthy and happy holiday season!

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