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  • Stay Healthy with the Best at Home Dental Care Routine

    Here at Anderson Family Dental, we strive to keep our patients at peak oral health. We encourage you to keep up with your regular cleanings, avoid food and drinks that can damage your teeth, and treat cracks and cavities in a timely fashion. However, the cornerstone of healthy teeth and gums does not happen in our office. It happens at home! HOME DENTAL CARE IS ESSENTIAL While our team is dedicated to keeping your teeth healthy, we only see you every few months. The rest depends on our patients doing their part at home. In the time between visits, acids can eat away at your enamel and bacteria can make your gums inflamed. One of the easiest ways to help your teeth stay healthy at home is to pay more attention to them! Have you ever taken a close look at your teeth? If not, get in there! Take a moment each day or several times per week to look closely at your teeth, gums, tongue, and cheeks. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR SINGS OF PROBLEMS SUCH AS: Red, swollen, or bleeding gums Bright white spots on the teeth Cracks Lesions on your lips, gums, tongue, or the floor of your mouth that don’t heal after two weeks. HOME DENTAL CARE BASICS Most of us know we’re supposed to brush twice every day and floss once every day. But most of us are also not batting 100. When’s the last time your hygienist asked if you’ve been flossing and you could proudly, and honestly say, “Yes I have!” (Trust me, it’s a great feeling.) We’ll go into detail on brushing and flossing techniques in later blog posts, so make sure you keep a close eye on our website! For now, there are a few basic cornerstones of a great home care routine we want to review. COMMIT TO BRUSHING TWICE A DAY It may sound arbitrary, but disrupting the bacterial colonies on your teeth once every twelve hours or so keeps your oral microbiome balanced and happy. USE A TOOTHPASTE WITH FLUORIDE Natural toothpastes are great! As long as they contain Fluoride. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral just like calcium and magnesium. It reinforces the crystalline matrix of your enamel to prevent decay. And it stops sensitivity, too! FLOSS Yeah, we know, you’ve heard it a million times. But seriously. Your toothbrush is inadequate for cleaning the surfaces between your teeth, which also happens to be where most cavities start. Once per day is the goal. If that sounds like too much, why not try Monday/Wednesday/Friday? Or set a goal to floss three teeth per day (just make sure you rotate). Whatever you can do to get some string in there. MOUTHWASH Mouthwash is a nice add-on, but not strictly necessary for most people. Most mouthwashes do one of two things: they either kill germs or strengthen your teeth. If swollen or inflamed gums tend to be your main problem, go for an antiseptic rinse. If you’re prone to cavities or have sensitive teeth, go for something with Fluoride in it. It means so much that you trust our team with your oral health, and we are dedicated to doing everything in our power to keep you in peak condition. Just remember, your home care routine is the cornerstone to an amazing smile!

  • Welcome to the Anderson Family Dental Blog

    That’s right, Anderson Family Dental now has a blog! Since taking over the practice eight years ago, Dr. Bryant Anderson has worked to bring his patients the best experience and most advanced techniques and technology, from our 3D imaging to our amazing chairside manner. But our job as dental clinicians goes far beyond perfect treatment. IMFORMING PATIENTS SO THEY CAN MAKE EDUCATED DECISONS As your dental team, one of our primary goals is to give you a strong knowledge base and elevate your dental IQ. By keeping our patients informed, we can ensure that you are confident in making the best decisions in your ongoing oral health. Maintaining ideal dental health goes far beyond what we can do here in our beautiful Winter Park office. After all, we only see you a few times per year, right? That’s why we are so excited to offer this blog. Through it, we hope to equip you, our patients, with the knowledge and skills to perform excellent home care. We also hope that by giving you full insight into what we do, you will feel more comfortable and less anxious if you need a little extra help along the way. We want to empower our patients to ask questions, and let you get to know us better! Be sure to follow our office on social media and join our email list so you can stay up to date on new blog posts, where you will find oral health articles, home care tips and tricks, and personal stories about our team. As always, we thank you for trusting us with your dental healthcare.

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