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  • Tooth Extractions: Why They Are Needed & Next Steps

    At Anderson Family Dental, our primary goal is to protect your health and help you maintain a full set of strong, functional teeth. Ideally, we’ll be able to treat problems before tooth extractions become necessary. Even if you have teeth that are no longer salvageable, there is still hope for your oral health. Timely tooth extractions are often an essential first step toward rebuilding your smile and oral health. WHY WOULD A TOOTH NEED TO BE PULLED? There are many situations where a tooth can no longer be saved. Severe decay that has gone untreated for a long time may eat away too much tooth structure to allow for fillings or crowns to restore the tooth. Similarly, old or poorly executed dental work may allow for recurrent decay and make a tooth unsalvageable. Cracks and fractures can usually be treated with crowns. However, cracks that compromise the root of the tooth make extraction necessary. Severe periodontal disease that has caused too much bone loss can make teeth loose and eventually cause them to fall out. In many cases, extracting the teeth before they fall out on their own allows us to salvage as much remaining bone as possible. This will help ensure better outcomes for tooth replacements like dentures or dental implants. Severe injuries, failed root canal therapy, and other irreparable damage could also lead to tooth extractions. No matter what, we’ll always do our best to save as many teeth as possible before we recommend extractions. WHAT HAPPENS DURING A TOOTH EXTRACTION? The idea of losing a permanent tooth can be incredibly discouraging. We understand that tooth extractions aren’t most people’s idea of a fun time. No matter why your tooth needs to come out, or how many teeth need to be pulled, we’ll ensure your total comfort throughout the procedure with the right sedation option for you. Once you’re as comfortable as possible, Dr. Anderson will thoroughly numb the area. We’ll gently separate the tooth from the soft tissue keeping it in place before removing it. In many cases, we’ll add bone grafting material to the socket immediately after your tooth is pulled. This is called socket preservation. Socket preservation helps to preserve healthy bone structure and prevent further bone loss while preparing the area for possible dental implants in the future. Even if you’re not ready for a dental implant right now, socket preservation can keep the option open for you down the road. You may also be a candidate for us to place a dental implant post immediately as well. If the bone surrounding your tooth is fairly healthy and stable, immediate implant placement may help you avoid additional procedures. HOW CAN I STAY COMFORTABLE AFTER A TOOTH EXTRACTION? It’s normal to feel sore after a tooth extraction, but obviously we want to minimize any pain! Dr. Anderson and your dental team at Anderson Family Dental will give you detailed instructions to make sure you heal as quickly and comfortably as possible. It’s important to follow those instructions as closely as you can. Avoid smoking and drinking through straws for at least one day after your tooth extraction. We may also recommend gently rinsing with salt water to soothe the tissue and help it heal. Most patients report minimal swelling or soreness for the first few days. In most cases, over-the-counter pain meds are all it takes to stay comfortable after a tooth extraction! WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS AFTER A TOOTH IS PULLED? Regardless of whether a tooth comes out on its own or needs to be pulled, it’s important to replace missing teeth. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO REPLACE MISSING TEETH? Like many of us, your teeth need somebody to lean on. Teeth stay in place thanks to support from their neighbors as well as the teeth they meet when you bite down. If you’re missing a tooth, the surrounding teeth can shift, tip, or even rise out of the socket. For each missing tooth, you’re also putting more strain and excess force on your remaining teeth, which can cause wear, chipping, and fractures as well as sensitivity. Missing teeth can also make it impossible to eat a full range of nutritious foods. People with missing teeth frequently suffer from nutritional deficiencies. A full set of teeth is necessary for stable oral health and full-body wellness. WHAT ARE MY TOOTH REPLACEMENT OPTIONS? If you need tooth extraction in Winter Park, FL, Dr. Anderson will guide you through all your options for replacing your missing teeth and help you make the best choice for your health, lifestyle, and budget. Dental bridges, dental implants, and removable appliances like dentures are all potential treatments to replace missing teeth and restore your full set of strong, functional teeth and gorgeous smile! If you’re already missing teeth or have been struggling with failing teeth that need to be pulled, call us to schedule a consultation and explore your options for painless tooth extractions and superior tooth replacements!

  • Nighttime Teeth Grinding

    Do you wake up with headaches, tired jaw muscles, and sore, sensitive teeth? You may be grinding your teeth at night while you sleep! Nighttime grinding can cause a host of problems with your teeth and gums. It can create chronic headaches, stiff neck, and even problems with your back muscles. If you think you may be grinding your teeth at night, we may be able to help! HOW TO TELL IF YOU GRIND YOUR TEETH AT NIGHT Nighttime grinding can be tricky to recognize. After all, it happens while you’re asleep! However, there are a few key ways your dental team at Anderson Family Dental can determine if you might be grinding your teeth at night. Your partner complains about it. For many patients, the first thing that tips them off that they’re grinding their teeth is a complaint from their spouse or partner. Tooth grinding can be loud! If your partner complains about snoring, noisy breathing, squeaking, creaking, crunching, or chomping noises, it’s a pretty good indicator that you may grind your teeth at night! You wake up with headaches. Tooth grinding puts a lot of strain on muscles that surround your skull, leading to tension headaches. In fact, this muscle strain can even create a stiff neck and pain in the muscles of your shoulders and upper back! Your jaw muscles feel tight or tired when you wake up. Those big chewing muscles on both sides of your jaw get a serious workout when you grind your teeth! You may find them sore, stiff, or tired when you wake up because of the strain. You may also feel like your jaw gets worn out quickly with chewy or crunchy foods. Your teeth ache or feel sensitive, especially in the morning. Grinding can irritate the nerves in and around your teeth, leading to sensitivity. Your teeth may feel sensitive to pressure when chewing, or temperature changes like when you drink ice water. Your jaw clicks, pops, or makes grinding noises when you open and close. In addition to straining your chewing muscles, tooth grinding can strain your jaw joint and even damage the cartilage pad inside the joint. This can manifest over time as painful popping, clicking, or a sandy grinding feeling when you move your jaw. You have a dull pain or ache around your ears or temples on a regular basis. Those tired chewing muscles and strained jaw joints can sometimes manifest almost like a dull earache. If you’ve eliminated the possibility of an ear infection but still struggle with achy ears or temples, talk to your dentist! OTHER SIGNS OF NIGHTTIME TEETH GRINDING Of course, there’s more to diagnosing nighttime grinding than evaluating how your teeth and jaws feel. While symptoms of pain, sensitivity, stiffness, and discomfort are very important, there are also clear signs of grinding your dentist can see during routine dental exams. In many cases, patients may not even be aware they grind their teeth at all. Many times, the symptoms may be subtle, or you may be so accustomed to them that you no longer notice them. However, your teeth, jaw joint, and muscles can speak for themselves! During your initial new patient exam, Dr. Anderson and your dental team here in Winter Park, FL will collect detailed digital diagnostics and thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and all the surrounding structures that support your oral health, a process they’ll repeat regularly at your subsequent check-ups. In addition to cavities and gum disease, we’ll look for signs of strain on your teeth. WORN DOWN TEETH FREQUENTLY INDICATE GRINDING Nighttime teeth grinding sets tooth against tooth. Over time, your enamel will slowly wear away, leading to flattened and short teeth. Wearing on the teeth, called attrition, can weaken your teeth and expose the nerves in your teeth to GRINDING CAN CAUSE GUM RECESSION AND INFLAMMATION Surprisingly, tooth grinding can cause receding gums. The pressure from nighttime grinding can cause your teeth to shift slightly in their sockets, compromising the attachment of the gum tissue and also leading to inflammation in the ligament that surrounds the roots of your teeth. These forces can lead to recession and inflamed gums, which are easily observed during a routine dental exam. GRINDING AND CLENCHING CAN CHANGE THE SHAPE OF YOUR CHEEKS & TONGUE Tooth grinding and clenching can pinch the edges of your tongue and sides of your cheeks, changing the shape of the tissue. If your tongue has a “scalloped” border, meaning it looks like it has notches running along the edge or your cheeks have a line of raised, possibly white tissue down the sides, these are both strong indicators that you may clench and grind your teeth. NOTCHES IN THE TEETH NEAR THE GUMLINE Just like grinding can wear down your teeth, that pressure and shifting can also cause the teeth to flex slightly at the neck where the top part of the tooth meets the root. That ongoing flexing can wear a triangular notch in the tooth right where it meets the gumline. Also known as abfraction, these notches are frequently seen with gum recession. OVERDEVELOPED CHEWING MUSCLES Remember how we said those chewing muscles get a workout at night if you’re grinding? Just like lifting weights at the gym, nighttime grinding can make your jaw muscles bigger! Treating your tooth grinding can sometimes allow your jaw muscles to shrink back to a normal size, which many patients appreciate! NIGHTTIME GRINDING AND YOUR WHOLE BODY HEALTH Grinding your teeth in your sleep may indicate other health problems. Most people associate tooth grinding and clenching with stress or anxiety. These are both very common triggers for tooth grinding, but far from the only ones! Frequently, grinding comes with snoring and other breathing problems. Sleep apnea, or interrupted breathing during sleep, is frequently associated with grinding because your body subconsciously tries to change the position of your jaw to open your airway when you’re struggling to breathe. Similarly, an uneven bite can lead to grinding as your jaw can’t find a stable position to rest while you’re sleeping. Missing, crooked, and poorly aligned teeth can all add to your tendency to grind your teeth at night. Other systemic health issues can also cause tooth grinding which may not be limited to nighttime grinding: gastric reflux (also known as GERD), epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and other muscular disorders can all cause grinding. Many medications may also cause grinding and clenching. SSRIs, a commonly used treatment for anxiety, can increase clenching and grinding, as can many ADHD medications. HOW CAN YOU STOP NIGHTTIME GRINDING FROM DAMAGING YOUR TEETH? Regardless of why you’re grinding your teeth, Dr. Anderson and your dental team at Anderson Family Dental may be able to protect your teeth, minimize damage to your jaw joint, and even help you stop grinding and clenching your teeth. There are several styles of appliances, like a clear plastic retainer but specifically designed to help with grinding, which you can wear at night. Depending on the specific design, these appliances can protect your teeth, stabilize your jaw, and even minimize snoring! Botox is immensely helpful in treating grinding and clenching. With a few quick, comfortable injections, we can help your chewing muscles relax and interrupt their tendency to fire with excessive pressure, without interfering with your normal chewing and biting. When appropriate, we’ll encourage you to talk to your doctor about treating underlying medical issues such as sleep apnea and breathing issues that may be the root cause of your nighttime grinding. If you think you may be grinding your teeth at night, schedule your next dental check-up to discuss it with your dental team at Anderson Family Dental!

  • What is Root Canal Treatment

    There are probably no two words in dentistry that get as much of a bad rap as “root canal.” But what is a root canal? How can you tell if you need a root canal treatment? Are there any side effects? What happens after you get a root canal treatment? We’re here to answer a few of the most common questions about root canals and put your mind at ease about this routine, tooth-saving procedure! WHAT IS A ROOT CANAL? Although people usually use the words “root canal” to refer to an endodontic procedure (or as a negative way to describe a chore they really don’t want to do), a root canal is actually just part of every tooth’s normal anatomy. Each tooth gets nutrients through tiny blood vessels that run through tunnels in its roots, up into a chamber in the center of the tooth. These tiny tunnels also protect nerve endings that send feedback about temperature changes, how much pressure you’re using when you chew and bite, and whether the tooth has been damaged. These tiny tunnels running through the roots of the teeth are the root canals. Unfortunately, there are times when a tooth becomes so severely damaged that its inner chamber (called the pulp) becomes infected or exposed. In other cases, the nerve of the tooth can die due to injury, infection, or even no apparent reason at all. A root canal treatment is when your dentist or a tooth nerve specialist called an endodontist removes the damaged pulp and the nerve from within the root canals and replaces it with filling material. The result is a stabilized tooth that won’t keep you up at night with pain! WHAT CAUSES ROOT CANAL PROBLEMS? The nerves of a tooth can become inflamed for a variety of reasons. Tooth decay, left untreated, will work its way deep into the inner layers of the tooth. If the bacteria from tooth decay reaches the pulp, a filling is no longer an appropriate treatment. In some cases, old fillings and crowns may become compromised and allow a tiny amount of bacteria to work its way under the restoration. Failing dental work is another common reason for root canal therapy. Cracks and fractures that expose the pulp as well as severe wear can lead to root canal. Wearing a night guard and getting treatment for bruxism are great ways to prevent these problems! Injuries and trauma to the teeth, such as from sports accidents or trip-and-fall incidents, can kill the nerve of the tooth even without exposing the pulp. Sometimes, the nerve may seem fine for a while—even years!—before symptoms start to show. And then there are times when teeth become infected or their nerves die for no apparent reason at all. As frustrating as this can be, root canal treatments can give you an effective option to save your tooth! HOW CAN I TELL IF I NEED ROOT CANAL TREATMENT? Sometimes there is no question: your tooth is screaming for attention. At other times, it can be hard to tell if you need a root canal treatment. You should call your dentist for a consultation for root canal therapy if: You’re experiencing persistent tooth pain. One or a few teeth are extremely sensitive, especially to heat. A tooth becomes dark or discolored after an injury. You find a pimple high on the gums, near where they meet your cheek. Your gums or face are swollen. One or a few teeth have throbbing, stabbing pain. You have cracked a tooth and it hurts. Your tooth hurts when you eat or touch it. You experience random nerve pain in one or a few teeth that comes and goes. The great thing about root canal therapy is it means an end to tooth pain! WHAT HAPPENS AFTER ROOT CANAL TREATMENT? Because root canal therapy involves removing the nerve and blood supply from a tooth, that tooth is no longer receiving the nutrients it needs. The tooth will become weaker and more brittle over time. If you need a root canal treatment in a molar, the tooth will probably break eventually. That’s why a crown usually follows root canal therapy. A crown provides full coverage over the entire tooth, keeping it strong, stable, and functional. For front teeth, which don’t usually receive the same amount of biting force as molars, a crown may or may not be recommended. However, teeth frequently become dark or discolored after a root canal treatment. Teeth with root canal treatments can’t be brightened with tooth whitening, so a crown or porcelain veneer may be recommended to preserve your smile esthetics. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO HEAL AFTER A ROOT CANAL? In many cases, if you’ve been living with severe pain from an infected tooth, your root canal therapy may improve your symptoms right away. However, since the process involves manipulating the nerves of a tooth, it’s not uncommon to feel sore after a root canal treatment. For most people, your tooth may feel tender for a few days, usually less than a week, with symptoms slowly subsiding on their own. If you have intense or lingering pain after your root canal treatment, don’t hesitate to call your dentist to discuss it! SEE US FOR FEAR-FREE ROOT CANAL THERAPY IN WINTER PARK, FL! At Anderson Family Dental, we want to keep your smile as healthy as possible. But we understand a root canal treatment is no one’s idea of a good time. We offer dental sedation options to keep you completely comfortable and relaxed if you’re anxious about any treatment. Root canal therapy may save your tooth, so don’t hesitate to call us if you think you need one!

  • How to Choose the Right Kind of Dental Sedation for You

    Have you ever felt hesitant to visit the dentist or avoided the care you need altogether? Dental anxiety can significantly impact your dental health and overall wellbeing. Fear of the dentist is regularly reported as one of the most common fears in surveys. Beyond feeling afraid of the dentist, many patients avoid dental appointments due to concerns about pain, gagging, feeling uncomfortable in the dental chair, or even just the noises and smells of the dental environment. No matter why you feel reluctant to get the dental care you need, dental sedation may be a great solution for you! BENEFITS OF DENTAL SEDATION Dental sedation can help you take back control of your oral health by empowering you to feel comfortable in the dental chair. For patients with dental fear, sedation can eliminate symptoms of panic such as racing pulse and elevated blood pressure. With sedation dentistry, you can start to replace feelings of dread with positive dental experiences. In some cases, patients can even overcome their dental fear completely over time, allowing them to eventually enjoy regular dental visits while no longer needing sedation at all. However, sedation dentistry is always an option at Anderson Family Dental because we want you to experience fearless dental care in complete comfort, whatever it takes! TYPES OF DENTAL SEDATION Like all aspects of your care at Anderson Family Dental, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Every person’s dental hesitancy is different. For some, sensitive teeth can make routine cleanings uncomfortable, and you just need something to take the edge off. For others, the idea of walking through the front doors of our dental office in Winter Park, FL sounds like a major achievement. No matter how intense your dental anxiety or how complex your treatment needs are, we can help you find the right dental sedation option for you! NITROUS OXIDE Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas” is one of the safest dental sedation options available. In fact, it’s so safe that it’s the number one choice for sedation dentistry for children! With nitrous oxide, you’ll be able to rest comfortably with a feeling of relaxation and comfort. Nitrous oxide helps local dental anesthesia (numbing injections) work better and can suppress the gag reflex as well! It’s a versatile solution to many dental discomforts. Best of all, it wears off almost immediately, meaning you won’t feel groggy after your appointment. You’ll be able to drive yourself home and go about your normal life following your appointment. ORAL CONSCIOUS SEDATION Have you ever wished you could pop a pill and forget you ever had to go to the dentist? Oral conscious sedation can do that for you! We’ll administer the ideal dosage based on your needs and let you rest in your private dental suite while the medication takes effect. You’ll rest comfortably in a twilight consciousness before long. While oral dental sedation won’t put you completely to sleep, many patients feel so comfortable and relaxed that they do fall asleep in the chair! Oral conscious sedation is a great option for patients needing complex dental treatments, more time in the chair, or who have intense dental anxiety that keeps them from seeking dental care. It pairs well with nitrous oxide, letting us adjust your level for ideal effects. With local dental anesthesia in the mix, you’ll enjoy completely pain-free dentistry from start to finish. Because oral dental sedation delivers a more profound level of relaxation, you’ll need a driver to get you home afterward and will want to take it easy for the rest of your day. OTHER TYPES OF SEDATION DENTISTRY For patients needing surgical attention such as complex wisdom tooth removal for impacted wisdom teeth that goes beyond the scope of our office, or whose dental phobia is so severe that conscious sedation will not be enough for their needs, we are happy to connect you with specialists who can offer general sedation so you can be put completely under. Our priority is to make sure you get the care you need, whatever it takes. OTHER WAYS WE HELP REDUCE YOUR DENTAL ANXIETY Beyond dental sedation, we’ve taken your comfort into consideration in every aspect of our practice. We understand that, for many patients, the dental office may not be your favorite place. Our private dental suites will help you feel secluded and calm, and the view of Dr. Anderson’s gorgeous collection of plants outside large windows help give each room a serene, peaceful feeling. Cozy blankets can help you feel right at home, and sunglasses and headphones will help block out the intense overhead light and sounds that might trigger your anxiety. Above all, we want our patients to feel comfortable communicating their needs with us. Dental anxiety is incredibly common, and you should always feel free to let us know if anything makes you feel tense or uncomfortable! Whether it’s your first visit to our office, or you’ve been seeing us for dental care for years, we can always work to make your dental healthcare experience as pleasant as possible. Call us today to discuss how dental sedation in Winter Park, FL can help you take back control of your oral health!

  • Dental Cleanings: Answers to 5 Common Questions

    Regular dental cleanings are an essential part of treating gum disease, preventing tooth decay, and maintaining good oral health. As much as tooth cleanings should be part of our regular healthcare routine, many people have questions about the process! Here are answers to 5 common questions about teeth cleanings! 1. SHOULD I GET MY TEETH CLEANED EVERY 6 MONTHS? In general, the ADA recommends people with overall stable oral health should get their teeth cleaned every six months. Getting your teeth cleaned twice every year gives your dental team a chance to monitor your teeth and gums and notice any changes before they become serious problems. Dental cleanings twice per year help keep your gums healthy by removing calcified plaque (also called tartar or calculus) before it can build up too much. Regular cleanings also allow your dentist to identify developing cavities, cracks, and other tooth problems early. The earlier we can treat tooth decay and similar problems, the less invasive and less expensive the treatment will be! Beyond protecting your oral health, teeth cleanings every six months also keep your smile looking its best. At each tooth cleaning, your dental hygienist will polish your pearly whites, removing stains and keeping your smile looking brilliant. Especially if you have undergone tooth whitening, regular cleanings will help your results last as long as possible! 2. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET MY TEETH CLEANED WITH PERIODONTAL DISEASE? For patients with periodontal disease, your dental hygiene treatment plan may include several phases. At first, treating active periodontal disease may require several tooth cleaning appointments back-to-back. This approach will give your dental hygienist an opportunity to remove all the plaque and tartar that has built up on your teeth. If you need scaling and root planing (also referred to as a deep cleaning), you may expect your first cleaning to be broken up into sections, allowing your dentist to numb each area for total comfort while your hygienist carefully addresses each tooth. Following a deep cleaning, your hygienist may recommend coming back in a few weeks to check on how the gums are healing and remove any debris that has started to build up again. Following a deep cleaning, teeth cleanings every three months will give your gums a chance to recover from periodontal disease and prevent new tartar from building up below the gums. You may need teeth cleanings four times per year (every 3 months) for the first couple of years after treating periodontal disease. Once your gum health has become stable, your dental team may recommend slowly spacing your cleanings out, working toward teeth cleanings every six months for maintenance. Remember: the better your home care habits, the sooner that change can happen! 3. WHAT IS A DEEP CLEANING? As mentioned above, deep cleaning is another name for a procedure called scaling and root planing or SRP for short. For patients with periodontal disease, completely removing heavy tartar and buildup below the gumline can be difficult. Periodontal disease is an advanced stage of gum disease where the support structures around the roots of the teeth have become damaged. As the attachment of your gums moves lower on the root of your tooth, a pocket develops. A periodontal pocket allows plaque, bacteria, tartar, and even food debris to build up under the gums, leading to more damage to the gums and bony support. Because it can be uncomfortable to remove these deep deposits, your dentist may recommend numbing during a deep cleaning. With a few easy injections, we can ensure you’re completely comfortable throughout. For anxious or sensitive patients, nitrous oxide can also help! Your deep cleaning will likely be broken into sections to be completed on different days. Once all the deep deposits are fully cleaned from the root surfaces, your gums will start to heal. Although lost bone volume won’t regrow, much of the inflammation and damage to the gums is reversible. With good home care and regular maintenance as described above, we can stabilize your teeth and ideally help prevent loose and missing teeth due to periodontal disease. 4. ARE THERE DISADVANTAGES DENTAL CLEANINGS MORE THAN TWICE PER YEAR? Many patients benefit from teeth cleanings more than twice per year. If you tend to build stains quickly, one or two extra teeth cleanings per year can help keep your smile looking bright. Similarly, patients who build plaque quickly may need more frequent cleanings even if their gums are healthy. Some health conditions also make frequent cleanings beneficial. Pregnancy, diabetes, and certain medications can cause increased risks for gum inflammation and cavities. Your dental team at Anderson Family Dental may recommend tooth cleanings more than twice per year if your overall health puts you at higher risk for oral health problems. There are no disadvantages to teeth cleanings more than twice per year from an oral health standpoint. However, many dental insurances only offer coverage for two teeth cleanings per year, meaning that a third or fourth visit may be an out-of-pocket expense for you. It can also be difficult to find time in your schedule to make frequent tooth cleaning visits. That’s why Anderson Family Dental offers early morning dental appointments in Winter Park, FL. With appointments as early as 7am, you can get convenient early morning visits with a dentist near you before your workday starts! 5. IS IT NORMAL TO HAVE PAIN DURING DENTAL CLEANINGS? Ideally, patients with good oral health should not experience much discomfort during dental cleanings. In fact, many patients find the process relaxing! However, many patients suffer with tender gums and sensitive teeth. If you have pain during dental cleanings, let us know! We have many ways to help you enjoy a more comfortable dental cleaning. If your gums feel tender during dental cleanings, we have numbing gels and local dental anesthesia that can help. For patients with sensitive teeth, we can recommend products to help lower your sensitivity leading up to your appointment, making the process much more comfortable. Nitrous oxide is also an option for many patients who struggle with painful dental cleanings. Don’t hesitate to discuss your discomfort with us so we can help you find the right solution! 6. HOW DOES REGULAR TEETH CLEANING HELP MY WHOLE BODY STAY HEALTHY? Maintaining excellent oral health not only protects your teeth and gums. It also helps your whole body stay healthy! The links between whole body wellness and oral health are well established. Oral health has proven links to heart health, pregnancy outcomes, and risks for other diseases such as pneumonia and certain cancers. Regular teeth cleanings can play a key role in protecting your whole-body wellness by helping to decrease strain on your immune system and prevent excess bacteria from traveling from your mouth to other parts of the body where they can cause problems. At Anderson Family Dental, our mission is to help you enjoy a better quality of life through excellent dental care. One of the best ways to protect your oral health is getting your teeth cleaned every six months, four months, three months, or at any interval that works best for you! Schedule your new patient exam or next routine cleaning in our office today!

  • Veneers: Pros and Cons

    Feeling confident in your smile can change your life. Whether you’re struggling with severely chipped, cracked, or worn teeth, discoloration that can’t be solved with teeth whitening, undersized or misshapen teeth, or a number of other smile zone flaws, porcelain veneers may be the perfect solution to give you the smile you’ve been dreaming of! At Anderson Family Dental, we always want you to feel completely confident in your treatment plan, and that means understanding all the potential benefits and pitfalls of your upcoming dental treatment. If you’re considering porcelain veneers, here are a few pros and cons of dental veneers for you to consider. PRO: VENEERS ARE A VERSATILE WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SMILE Porcelain veneers are an amazingly versatile way to improve your smile. With veneers, Dr. Anderson can completely rejuvenate your smile and correct a wide range of issues. Porcelain veneers may be a great option for you if: You have discolored teeth due to previous root canal therapy. Your teeth are discolored or misshapen due to developmental issues such as antibiotics during childhood. Your teeth are severely chipped, cracked, or worn down but otherwise healthy. Your treatment plan involves dental implants or crowns and you want them to blend seamlessly into a gorgeous new smile. You want to correct slight spacing or alignment issues without waiting for orthodontics. You’re looking for a lasting way to get a smile you feel proud of! CON: VEVNEERS CAN'T FIX EVERYTHING While veneers are a great solution for many esthetic concerns, they aren’t the answer to every problem. For example, although veneers can even out the appearance of slightly crooked teeth or excess space between teeth, they’re not a replacement for orthodontic treatment. In fact, you’ll likely get the most successful and longest lasting veneer teeth results after straightening your teeth and perfecting your bite! As mentioned above, an imperfect bite can compromise the longevity of your veneers. For this reason, clear aligners like Invisalign or traditional braces might be your first step to a more perfect smile. Likewise, if you’re suffering with poor oral health such as periodontal disease or severe decay, we want to stabilize your dental health before discussing smile esthetics. Porcelain veneers can be incorporated into a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses all your issues, but they are ultimately a primarily cosmetic treatment. Your health always comes first! PRO: THE VENEERS PROCESS IS QUICK AND COMFORTABLE Porcelain veneers are a great solution for patients looking for an efficient way to get their dream smile. Unlike traditional orthodontics, veneers can correct misalignment and spacing issues almost immediately. They can deliver brilliantly white teeth that won’t become stained or darkened over time and can be used to create a comprehensive smile makeover in as few as two visits. We want your dental veneers to look completely natural and fit seamlessly into your smile. To prevent a bulky appearance, preparing your teeth for porcelain veneers requires carefully reducing the outer layer of enamel from your teeth. This will create enough space for us to fit the thin shell of porcelain over the front of your teeth for a naturally gorgeous final result. CON: YOUR VENEERS MAY FEEL SENSITIVE AT FIRST Because your porcelain veneer prep involves removing a very thin layer of enamel, some patients experience tooth sensitivity immediately after their procedure. In most cases, your sensitivity will fade in a few weeks as your teeth adjust to the change. We may recommend prescription anti-sensitivity products to help resolve any lingering discomfort you experience. PRO: VENEERS ARE A PERMANENT WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SMILE Veneer teeth are considered a permanent way to improve the look of your teeth. Fabricated from strong, resilient materials, your veneer teeth will provide a lasting solution to many cosmetic concerns. Great home care and regular check-ups will improve the longevity of your veneer teeth. To help you get the longest-lasting results from your porcelain veneers, we may also recommend a guard to wear at night to help protect your veneers from nighttime grinding. Other options such as composite resin veneers, also known as chairside veneers, can give you a great-looking result, but they can’t compare to the brilliance and longevity of porcelain. Porcelain veneers resist stains and maintain their gorgeous shade indefinitely with good upkeep. They also resist chipping and won’t wash out in just a few years like composite might. CON: YOUR VENEERS WILL NEED UPKEEP Because your porcelain veneer prep involves changing the shape of your natural teeth, the process is irreversible. While veneers are considered a permanent restoration for this reason, they don’t last forever. Veneer teeth last about ten to fifteen years before needing to be replaced and may need occasional upkeep during that time. Porcelain veneers are susceptible to coming off with excessive biting pressure. For example, veneers are best protected by using them carefully such as avoiding biting into apples. Dr. Anderson will design your veneer teeth to be as durable as possible so you can enjoy your smile for years to come. However, issues like an uneven bite may compromise the longevity of your veneers. The good news is this is generally easily fixed with a quick visit to set your restoration back in place. ASK US IF PORCELAIN VENEERS ARE RIGHT FOR YOU! If you’re tired of hiding your teeth in photos and want to feel truly confident in your smile, dental veneers may be the right fit for you. Using state-of-the-art diagnostics and dental design technology, Dr. Anderson will craft gorgeous porcelain veneers with consideration for your skin tone, lip line, the shape of your gums, your facial features and face shape, and many other factors so you can enjoy a Hollywood smile that looks and feels completely natural. For patients who may not need the extensive changes veneer teeth can provide, you may want to explore less permanent options such as teeth whitening or a more conservative approach like Invisalign to correct crowded or crooked teeth. As with all treatments, Dr. Anderson will discuss all the pros and cons of veneer teeth with you in depth to help you decide the best approach for your needs, lifestyle, and budget. If you want to explore your porcelain veneer options in Winter Park, FL, schedule your consultation with Anderson Family Dental today!

  • Rebuild Your Smile and Replace Your Missing Teeth

    Missing, loose, and unsalvageable teeth affect all aspects of your life. The pain and sensitivity of failing teeth can become a constant discomfort, and loss of function can leave you with limited food choices. Failing dental health can also impact your confidence, social interactions, and even job prospects. If you’re suffering with severely damaged and missing teeth, you may feel like you’ve been fighting an uphill battle when it comes to your smile. Fortunately, you don’t have to live without a full set of functional, beautiful teeth. There are a variety of options to replace missing teeth, and Dr. Anderson can help you find the perfect fit to restore your health and rebuild a smile you’ll be proud of! MISSING TEETH AFFECT YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR CONFIDENCE Teeth can go missing for any number of reasons. If gum disease becomes severe enough, it can damage the support structures that keep your teeth in place. Eventually, this process wears away at the bony support and becomes periodontal disease. Advanced periodontal disease causes teeth to become loose, and eventually fall out. Tooth decay is another major cause  of tooth loss. Left untreated, cavities can progress deep into the tooth, eventually making it impossible to save. Deep cracks and fractures, severe wear, and systemic diseases like diabetes can all contribute to your risk of losing teeth as well. No matter what caused your missing teeth, the potential health risks are the same. For each chewing surface that goes missing, the surrounding teeth take on more pressure. Over time, the added strain can cause more teeth to fail, leading to a cascade effect of dental health problems. Furthermore, teeth depend on their neighbors to stay upright and in the right position. Missing teeth allow your other teeth to shift, further deteriorating your bite and leading to jaw strain and further wear and tear. Obviously, missing teeth can also make it harder to eat. The more teeth you’re missing, the more limited your food options may become. This can lead in turn to other issues like nutrient deficiencies and digestive problems. Research also shows that each missing tooth may increase your risks for cognitive decline later in life, including dementia and Alzheimer’s. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TOOTH REPLACEMENT OPTIONS FOR YOU! As you can see, replacing missing teeth is vital to the stability of your oral health as well as your long-term full body wellness. Your dental health needs are as unique as your smile, and Anderson Family Dental has plenty of tooth replacement options for you to choose from! DENTAL BRIDGES Dental Bridges can replace chewing surfaces with a false tooth fused to the two neighboring teeth. Bridges are a cost-effective option that can permanently replace one or several teeth in the same area. However, because they depend on two stable teeth to support them, bridges aren’t always an option for every case. They’re relatively easy to care for, but can build up plaque and food debris underneath, so a little extra effort with flossing goes a long way. A WaterPik is a great way to keep dental bridges clean. DENTAL IMPLANTS Dental Implants are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement. They mimic natural teeth using three parts. The post is an anchor that replaces the root of a tooth. The crown is a durable replacement for the top chewing portion of the tooth. An abutment connects the two pieces. Dental implants are incredibly versatile and can replace any number of missing teeth. Dental bridges can be set on implants to replace multiple teeth without a separate post for each one, making the procedure more affordable and less invasive. Unfortunately, not every case is a perfect match for dental implants. Our advanced 3D imaging can create detailed, precise scans of your bone structure, so we’ll be able to guide you through what you can realistically expect from dental implant surgery. Dental implants cost a little more than other alternatives up front, but they’re considered a truly permanent option, meaning there will be less upkeep in the future. They’re also the best way to restore natural-looking beauty and complete function to your teeth! REMOVABLE APPLIANCES Removable Appliances such as full and partial dentures are generally an inexpensive way to replace missing teeth. However, they can’t withstand normal biting forces, meaning your food choices will be limited. Traditional dentures can slip, shift, and fall out. Over time, they also allow the bony ridge of your jaw to shrink, meaning they will become loose and need modification and replacement, making their lifetime cost higher than the initial investment. While they’re a good option for some cases, old-fashioned dentures leave a lot to be desired for many patients. WE'RE WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY While those are three of the main methods for replacing missing teeth, the specific applications to your case may vary widely. For example, patients missing all their teeth who want removable dentures may be good candidates for implant-supported dentures. This option gives added stability and better functionality to your removable appliance with just a few implant posts. Your dental team here at Anderson Family Dental will be with you every step of the way when building a tooth replacement plan that suits your needs, your budget, and your lifestyle. We’ll help you fully understand what options will give you the best outcomes, and help you build realistic expectations for your new smile. You deserve a full set of strong, functional teeth and a smile you’ll feel proud to show off! Call us to schedule your dental implant consultation in Winter Park, FL and take the first steps on your journey to rebuilding your oral health and restoring your confidence.

  • February is National Children's Dental Health Month

    It cannot be overstated how vital dental health is for kids’ wellbeing. That’s why February was declared National Children’s Dental Health Month! Raising kids can be full of chaos, pulling our attention in a million directions at once. Their teeth frequently get put on the back burner in favor of more pressing issues. Children’s Dental Health Month started all the way back in 1949 when the ADA set aside a single day to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health for kids. It was later extended to a week, and took over the month of February in 1981. We hope National Children’s Dental Health Month will help the kids in your life! WHY DENTAL HEALTH IS SO IMPORTANT FOR CHILDREN Tooth decay the most common chronic childhood disease in the United States. In fact, an estimated 1 in every 5 kids between the ages of 5 to 11 years old has at least one untreated cavity. Many parents and caregivers mistakenly believe that, since baby teeth will eventually fall out anyway, it’s not worth getting cavities in baby teeth treated. However, dental decay can lead to a ton of other problems for kids. HEALTHY TEETH FOR SCHOOL SUCCESS Poor oral health has been shown to make it harder for kids to succeed in school. And it’s no wonder! Children with untreated cavities may find it hard to eat a normal, nutritious diet due to pain when chewing. They may be distracted in class because of discomfort or pain from ailing teeth. Tooth pain can also keep kids up at night, leading to fatigue that can affect their grades. Children with tooth decay are also about three times more likely to miss school because of tooth pain, compared to classmates with good oral health. LIFELONG LESSONS IN ORAL HEALTH Oral health status in childhood also sets kids up for their long-term relationship with their teeth and the dentist. Fear of the dentist is commonly reported as one of the most top phobias in the country. For most people with dental anxiety, these fears start in childhood. Children who see the dentist regularly starting at an early age have the opportunity to build positive memories of the dental office. If kids only see the dentist for emergencies or fillings, they learn to expect pain and an overwhelming experience every time. On the other hand, when they’re given the opportunity to explore the dental office experience as a positive, routine, easy appointment like a regular cleaning, they learn the dentist is here to help us stay healthy! HOW TO SUPPORT YOUR KIDS' DENTAL HEALTH The good news is that, while cavities are a big problem in children’s health, they’re largely preventable! You can take active, yet simple steps to support better oral health for the kids in your life. HELP THEM PRACTICE GOOD HOME CARE HABITS Just like adults, children should brush twice daily for two minutes and floss once every day. Flossing may seem like overkill, since baby teeth frequently have spaces between them, but those little spaces can trap food and lead to cavities. Making it part of the routine right from the beginning is an excellent investment in your kids’ lifelong tooth care habits. Children should use fluoride toothpaste right from the beginning. Although dentists used to recommend waiting on fluoride until after your child could spit the bubbles out, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry now recommends a tiny smear (about the size of a grain of rice) of fluoride toothpaste from the appearance of the very first tooth. The amount is so small it has been proven not to cause harm if swallowed, but the mineral supplement will do wonders in preventing tooth decay in those tiny teeth! ENCOURAGE TOOTH-HEALTHY SNACKING We’ve talked about how nutrition impacts your oral health before. Just like adults, kids’ teeth benefit from great food. However, it can take a little convincing to get kids to choose carrot sticks over gummy bears. Kids should be able to enjoy occasional treats, provided they rinse well afterward and don’t snack on sugar and starch the entire day. Current best practices indicate that offering healthy options frequently, but not pressuring or forcing kids to eat them, helps to develop a good relationship with food. In general, just aim for balance where possible and be sure sweets are an occasional treat rather than a regular stable. It's also very important to practice good bottle habits for babies and toddlers. Never put a baby or toddler to bed with a bottle. We understand the struggle for sleep but allowing babies and toddlers to sip on milk or juice throughout the night leads to aggressive tooth decay. Rampant caries, commonly called “baby bottle rot” manifests as cavities across the front teeth. It can lead to serious oral health problems. It’s fine to nurse your baby to sleep or give them a bottle before bed, but ideally water should be the last thing to touch their teeth before sleeping. If your little one falls asleep while taking their last feed of the day, that’s fine, just don’t put the bottle to bed with them! GET YOUR KIDS SET UP FOR SUCESS AT THEIR NEXT DENTAL CHECK-UP Getting your kids to the dentist for regular teeth cleanings and dental health check-ups is an essential part of keeping their teeth healthy for life. There are many great books out there to help prepare kids for their first dental visit. Talking positively about the dentist and answering any questions before the visit can help to calm anxieties as well. It is vital to avoid using the idea of cavities and painful fillings as a way to coerce your kids into brushing their teeth! If and when a child needs treatment, building up the idea of cavities as a consequence of bad behavior can add unnecessary stress and fear to the experience. Anderson Family Dental wants to support great dental health for your entire family. For kids who would do better in a colorful, kid-oriented environment, we can connect you with excellent pediatric dentists near you as well. Whether here in our offices in Winter Park or elsewhere, we want your kids to have a great experience at the dentist! Happy Children’s Dental Health Month!

  • Same Day Crowns

    Dental technology has surged ahead in recent years, giving you faster, more precise, and more comfortable procedures with vastly superior results. With today’s advanced dental instruments, Dr. Anderson is proud to offer same day crowns near you in Winter Park, FL! WHAT IS CEREC? The acronym CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. It refers to the process of crafting ceramic restorations (such as crowns) right here in our practice and placing them immediately. CEREC starts with comprehensive digital diagnostics. In place of old-fashioned x-rays, our 3D cone beam CT scanner creates a precise replica of your bones and teeth, giving us a detailed view of your anatomy. We pair these x-rays with digital impressions using a 3D intraoral scanner. This advanced camera means no more biting into uncomfortable goop to create a model of your teeth! Instead, the intraoral scanner captures hundreds of images of your teeth and gums, and assembles them into a digital model Dr. Anderson will use to craft your restorations. Digital impressions replicate not only the shape and position of your teeth and gums, but also the color! That means Dr. Anderson can match the shade and contours of your same day crowns so they blend perfectly with the surrounding teeth. Your restoration dentist will use powerful CAD/CAM technology to custom-design your restorations. CEREC can be used to create temporary restorations that will look great and function well so you can live your life while waiting for your final restorations. It can also produce strong, beautiful final results to give you your dream smile without the wait! Dr. Anderson puts special emphasis on healthy function and natural esthetics for every restoration he designs, so you will get a gorgeous final result that will last. ARE SAME-DAY CROWNS AS GOOD AS LAB CROWNS? Just like any method for repairing teeth, there are some same-day crowns pros and cons. For the most part, same day crowns cost the same or less than crowns fabricated at an off-site lab. Because Dr. Anderson uses only the highest-quality E-max and zirconia, your final restorations will have superior strength and natural-looking esthetics. That means your same-day crowns will last just as long as traditional crowns. CEREC can be used to fabricate any number of restorations with just as much success as an off-site lab. We use same-day crowns to restore most dental implants and can even fabricate some dental bridges in our office while you wait, too! However, we believe in doing what it takes to be sure you get superior results that will look great and last as long as possible. There are certain cases where traditional crowns will give you better results than same-day crowns. For example, if your restoration is best suited for materials like gold, or if you need a large bridge consisting of several teeth. While CEREC crowns are good for molars, we sometimes opt for lab-created crowns for back teeth, depending on the specifics of your case. Likewise, because the external lab has a greater variety of shades available, we frequently send away cases with hard-to-match esthetics. Dr. Anderson will discuss all potential treatment options with you to create a plan that suits your clinical needs, smile goals, and budget. Whether that means same day crowns or lab crowns, you’ll get the care you need! ADVANTAGES OF SAME-DAY CROWNS Same-day crowns have tons of advantages. First and foremost, same-day crowns are convenient! In the past, you would need to wait several days, or sometimes a few weeks to receive your restorations. With CEREC crowns, you’ll leave with your gorgeous, functional new smile right away. Getting a same-day crown is comfortable, too. Because we use an intraoral scanner to create a digital model of your teeth, you won’t have to deal with the uncomfortable old-fashioned trays full of goop. Instead, you can relax comfortably while we wave our magic wand and create incredibly precise digital renderings of your teeth and gums. At Anderson Family Dental, we believe everyone deserves affordable dental crowns without sacrificing the quality of their care. As mentioned earlier, the cost of same-day crowns is comparable to traditional crowns, and sometimes even less. Because we have full oversight throughout the entire process of designing and fabricating your crowns, we can ensure you get only the highest quality materials, crafted into same day crowns and bridges that meet our exacting standards. In short, same-day CEREC crowns can give you a more comfortable procedure, faster results, and affordable crowns and bridges, all right here in our office in Winter Park! Don’t put off the care you need another day. Schedule your crown and bridge consultation today and find out if same-day crowns are right for you!

  • 6 New Years Resolutions for a Brighter Smile in 2023

    With the beginning of each New Year, we feel like we get a fresh start. Many of us celebrate the change of the year with a list of goals to help us enjoy a better quality of life. Whether it’s getting more exercise, quitting smoking, or eating more veggies, most new year's resolutions are about building healthy habits. Here are a few simple resolutions you can make this year to enjoy healthier teeth and a smile you’ll be proud to show off! 1. COMMIT TO BETTER BRUSHING There’s a saying in dentistry: clean ‘em like you want to keep ‘em! Keeping your teeth clean and free of plaque is the number one way to protect your oral health. That means brushing at least twice per day for at least two minutes each time. For some of us, committing to that twice daily routine will be a great resolution for this year. Many of us fall short of the twice-a-day goal. The good news is there are plenty of strategies to make it easier to commit to a better habit in 2023. If you find yourself rushing out of the house each morning without brushing, consider packing a toothbrush in the glove box of your car, in your lunch box, or anywhere else you’ll have it available as you go through the rest of your day. Even without toothpaste, dry brushing is a great way to remove plaque and support your oral health. You can brush in the car, after lunch, or anytime that works for your schedule! For those who crash into bed at the end of a long day without brushing, try brushing in the shower. You’re in there anyway, and bonus it won’t matter if you make a mess with the toothpaste! Once you’ve mastered brushing twice every day, work on duration. Set a kitchen timer, use the timer on your phone, or best of all grab an electric toothbrush that turns off automatically once you’ve brushed for two minutes. 2. FEELING FLOSSY? When it comes to maintaining great oral health at home, brushing is only half the battle. The areas between your teeth are prime real estate for the bacteria that cause cavities and gingivitis. Because they’re protected from the cleansing actions of your tongue, lips, and cheeks, bacteria between your teeth have a perfect hideout. Your toothbrush also can’t get to them! Flossing gets a bad rap, but it’s probably one of the most significant changes you can make to improve your oral health. It only takes about one to two minutes, and only needs to happen once per day. Even if you don’t manage to floss every single day, just a few times per week can make a huge difference. If flossing is difficult for you due to dexterity issues, discomfort, or just lack of motivation, consider investing in a water flosser. WaterPik is the most popular, and it does a great job sweeping out bacteria from between the teeth and under the gums. 3. CATCH UP ON REGULAR CLEANINGS Make 2023 the year you catch up on your cleanings! Most Americans skipped several cleanings during the COVID pandemic. With our enhanced cleaning and sanitizing measures, we have ensured that Anderson Family Dental is a safe and pristine place to get dental care. For the majority of patients, we recommend getting your teeth cleaned twice per year, or about every six months. That’s the standard recommendation for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. However, many patients benefit from three or four cleanings per year. Increased frequency can help control buildup for patients who build plaque and tartar quickly. It’s also necessary for patients with active gum disease who need treatment rather than maintenance. More frequent cleanings can also help control staining and reduce inflammation during health changes such as pregnancy. 5. QUIT SMOKING Quitting tobacco is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. However, it can sometimes be easier said than done. Whether you smoke cigarettes or cigars, or use chew or dip, tobacco products increase your risks for a variety of health problems. It’s not just lung cancer, either! Oral cancers and soft tissue problems are major risks as well. Nicotine constricts small blood vessels throughout your body. That includes the tiny vessels that supply your gums. Because nicotine cuts off blood supply and oxygen to your gums, tobacco users are prone to periodontal disease. Over time, tobacco can compromise the attachment between your gums and your teeth, leading to receding gums, loose teeth, and eventually causing teeth to fall out completely. Unfortunately, many smokers don’t realize they have gum disease until it’s fairly severe. Bleeding gums are one of the main signs of gum disease. Because nicotine shrinks the blood vessels, the gums may not bleed as easily, leading to the mistaken belief that your gums are doing okay when in fact they’re struggling. Checking in regularly with your dental hygienist can give you a clear picture of the true health of your gums. If you feel like 2023 is your year to try and quit, let us know! We may be able to point you in the direction of some resources to support your attempt. Also remember that it can take many attempts before you successfully quit tobacco. Quitting but starting up again doesn’t mean you failed! It means you have one more attempt under your belt and will be more likely to quit long-term next time. 6. CONSIDER A LITTLE TOOTHY TLC Maybe you’ve seen those motivational posts on social media suggesting that you make a resolution to smile more in 2023. That may mean spending quality time with friends, doing more self-care, or making an effort to find the joy in little things each day. Feeling confident in your smile through better oral health can help you find more reasons to show off your pearly whites every day. Tooth whitening and cosmetic dentistry can enhance the look of your smile. Restorative dentistry like fillings (link: can resolve tooth pain, reduce sensitivity, and improve your overall well being. Regardless of what TLC your smile needs, Dr. Anderson is right here in Winter Park to provide it! Call us to schedule your next dental health checkup today and make 2023 a year of great smiles!

  • Can Cosmetic Dentistry Give You a Dream Smile by Christmas?

    Can you believe it’s November already? The holidays are almost here, and that means family get-togethers, celebrations, and probably lots of pictures. If you don’t feel confident in your smile, you might dread the idea of showing your teeth in family photos. Don’t fret! Whether you have a few days or several months, we’ve got plenty of cosmetic dentistry options for every timeline. NEED IMMEDIATE RESULTS FROM YOUR COSMETIC DENTISTRY? Brightening your teeth is one of the quickest and easiest ways to feel more confident in your smile. However, not just any old over-the-counter whitening product will work to give you the kind of glowing smile you could have. In fact, many over-the-counter whitening solutions may not be the best for your dental health! Many whitening toothpastes use highly abrasive agents to scrape away stains. Using those abrasives regularly can damage your gums and possibly even wear away some enamel! REFRESH YOUR SMILE WITH A CLEANING! Removing stains may be as easy as getting your routine dental cleaning. Your dental hygienist will remove plaque and tartar buildup that can irritate your gums and make your teeth look dingy. Once these deposits are removed, your hygienist will also polish the teeth, removing surface stains bringing out the luster and shine from your pearly whites. If it’s been a while, you might be pleasantly surprised at how much better your teeth look after a cleaning! CHANGE YOUR SHADE TO WINTER WHITE! However, if you’re looking for a more profound change, professional tooth whitening is the way to go. More than just removing surface stains, professional teeth whitening can change the shade of your teeth. While everyone’s teeth are different, most people can expect their teeth to look at least a few shades whiter afterward! There are two main ways to whiten your teeth professionally. For patients in a hurry, in-office teeth whitening will give you whiter teeth in just a couple of hours! It’s an awesome option for people who need a whiter smile for the holidays or family photos and maybe don’t have the time to wait for trays. However, in-office tooth whitening isn’t perfect for everyone. That’s why we can also fabricate custom whitening trays. We’ll supply you with professional whitening gel, which you’ll apply at home. At-home whitening trays can take around two weeks for your best shade, so don’t wait until the last minute! Not every cosmetic dentistry concern can be solved with whitening, but it’s frequently a great first step that can be used in combination with other treatments. SOME COSMETIC DENTISTRY PROCEDURS TAKE SEVERAL WEEKS FOR RESULTS For patients who need more than a shade change, a cosmetic dentist has the technical and artistic skills to craft your dream smile. But keep in mind, many of these treatments happen in phases, and may take several weeks to complete. If you’re hoping to give yourself the gift of a killer grin for the holidays, you may need to start soon! VENEERS Porcelain veneers are thin shells that cover the front surface of a tooth. Typically, they’re used for a few teeth in the smile zone, which is the teeth that show when you smile. They’re often used in combination with other restorative dentistry like crowns, bridges, or dental implants, to create a uniform look across all the front teeth. Veneers are a great option for: patients with developmental enamel problems like discoloration or uneven texture teeth that are worn down or look discolored because they too thin undersized or misshapen teeth some types of damage like chronic chipping Porcelain veneers take some time, as the final restorations have to be crafted in a lab. In some cases, composite resin (the material used in fillings) can be used to create “chairside” veneers. This option can be done in just one sitting but won’t have the same shine or natural appearance as porcelain. They can also stain over time (which porcelain won’t) and need to be replaced or adjusted more often. GUM CONTOURING Your gums create the frame for your teeth. Gums that are inflamed, overgrown, or uneven can detract from even the most beautiful set of teeth. First things first, make sure your gums are as healthy as possible by getting regular cleanings and keeping up with your flossing and brushing at home. Not only will this help prevent gum disease; it’ll also help your smile look healthy and beautiful! If your gums are healthy but uneven, overgrown due to medications or medical conditions, or you have a gummy smile, gum contouring is a great cosmetic dentistry option. Thanks to the unique type of tissue in the gums, we can use advanced techniques to reshape and reduce the size of the tissue to give you a more ideal tooth-to-gums ratio. This can often be coupled with other treatments like veneers or crowns to help your teeth appear larger in a process known as crown lengthening. It can take a little time for the gums to heal, usually about a week or two. BOTOX® AND DERMAL FILLERS Another way to address a gummy smile is Botox. By preventing your upper lip from drawing up too high when you smile, we can help reduce how much of an appearance your gums make. This also takes a little time, a couple of weeks, to be effective. The great thing is it’s reversible! Your smile isn’t just about your teeth! Your gums, lips, cheeks, and eyes all get involved in a genuine smile. Lucky for you, Dr. Anderson can provide a range of esthetic treatments including Botox and dermal fillers to help improve the appearance of your entire smile! WANT A COMPRESHENSIVE APPROACH? YOU MAY WANT TO PLAN LONG-TERM! Cosmetic dentistry isn’t always a quick fix. If your smile has complex needs or you’re looking for more than just surface changes, you might want to set your smile goals for next Christmas. INVISALIGN® FOR STRAIGHTER TEETH The best outcomes for any cosmetic dental treatment start with a strong foundation. Proper alignment of your teeth, including a balanced and healthy bite, can protect your teeth from damage and prevent strain and injury to the jaw joint. By relieving areas where the teeth hit each other too hard and could damage restorations like veneers, it also means your cosmetic dentistry treatments will last longer! Straightening your teeth with clear aligners may take a few months to about a year, depending on your specific needs. Not every patient is a great candidate for Invisalign or SureSmile, but clear aligners are a great option for most people. SMILE MAKEOVER: REPAIRING DAMAGE AND REPLACING MISSING TEETH A fully comprehensive approach to your smile means addressing every aspect of your dental health. Decayed, broken, cracked, worn-down, and missing teeth can all leave you wanting to hide your smile. For patients with complex dental health needs, components of cosmetic dentistry can be a key part of rebuilding your complete oral health. Repairing damaged, decayed, or failing teeth may involve porcelain crowns and dental bridges. Whether you’re missing one, several, or all your teeth, dental implants can be an amazing solution. Implants look and feel just like natural teeth, with amazing strength and stability. By combining functional restorations with esthetic considerations, your restoration dentist Dr. Anderson can address every aspect of your oral health so you can smile with confidence in every situation! Call our office to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation in Winter Park, FL!

  • Holiday Foods for Healthy Teeth

    Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season. For many of us, this time of year is all about great food. Whether that means gathering for meals with family or just a few extra sugar cookies, there’s something special about the holiday season. There are foods that help your oral health, and some that don’t do your smile any favors. We’re glad to report that many of your favorite holiday foods are great for your teeth, too! DON'T SKIP THE TURKEY! PROTEIN MAKES HEALTHY HOLIDAY FOODS! Protein is the main event at many holiday meals. After all, Thanksgiving just wouldn’t be the same without that beautiful turkey on the table, right? Lean proteins like poultry, fish, and meat contain the building blocks for muscle, but they’re also key tooth healthy holiday foods. (And yes, tofu totally counts!) For kids, getting sufficient protein helps their teeth grow and develop. For adults, protein helps keep your facial muscles in shape just like any other muscle in the body. Even better, most lean protein sources also contain phosphorus, which is an essential mineral for strong teeth. Phosphorus in your saliva helps rebuild enamel and fight cavities. It also supports your body’s ability to utilize calcium. Chewing protein-rich foods like steak can pose a challenge for denture-wearers. Patients with loose, missing, and failing teeth may also find it difficult to chew tougher foods. That’s why many patients with dentures or oral health problems may have a protein deficiency in their diet. If you have trouble getting enough protein in your diet and find yourself wishing you could chew a nice, juicy steak again, talk to your dentist about replacing your teeth with dental implants. Dental implants can give you stable, sturdy tooth replacements that can handle these healthy holiday foods so you can enjoy everything on the table next year! FRUITS AND VEGGIES: SOME OF THE BEST OPTIONS FOR HEALTHY HOLIDAY FOODS! We all know we need to get plenty of vitamins. Many of your favorite holiday foods have tons of healthy vitamins to support your oral health and your whole body. CITRUS That traditional Christmas card image of oranges in a stocky hung by the fireplace isn’t just nice to look at. Oranges are in peak season over the winter and give you a great source of immune-supporting vitamins. Citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C, which helps fight infections and supports wound healing. These benefits make citrus fruits a great source of nutrients that defend against gum disease. In fact, one of the main symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency is swollen, bleeding gums! However, citrus fruits also contain a lot of acid, which can damage your enamel and contribute to cavities. After enjoying any acidic foods or beverages, it’s a good idea to rinse well with water or chew sugar-free gum to help neutralize your mouth. CRANBERRIES Nothing quite says winter like cranberries. They’re full of antioxidants (again, a great source of Vitamin C) just like other fruits. Unlike many other fruits, cranberries have some antibacterial properties! Since they’re frequently served in sweet sauces with lots of added sugar, be sure you enjoy it with other foods and clean your teeth well afterward. POMEGRANATE Another classic winter fruit, pomegranate is a great source for Vitamin K. While it doesn’t enjoy the same star power as Vitamin C, K is essential for strong teeth and bones. It works alongside Vitamin D to help your body utilize calcium effectively. It promotes bone health throughout the body and may help mitigate the damaging effects of periodontal disease. It’s a powerhouse vitamin many of us don’t get enough of! The crunchy, edible seeds in pomegranate are also a great source of polyphenol antioxidants. Studies indicate these compounds can help fight inflammation and may likewise prevent damage from periodontal disease. The seeds are also fibrous and crunchy, which means they’ll help clean your teeth while you chew! POTATO AND SWEET POTATO Both standard potatoes and yams or sweet potatoes contain tons of great vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, B6, iron, plenty of fiber, calcium, potassium, and the list goes on! Each of these micronutrients plays a vital role in supporting oral health. From fighting infections and inflammation to supporting bone health and wound healing, a good variety of vitamins and minerals make these side dishes amazingly healthy holiday foods. LEAFY GREENS Speaking of Vitamin K, feel free to go back for seconds on your salad! Leafy greens are one of the best healthy holiday foods, although many of us don’t get enough of them. Fortunately, they tend to show up on holiday menus in salads, collard greens, and casseroles. You can even couple them with other tooth-healthy foods, such as in a citrus and arugula salad or sauteed spinach with feta and walnuts. Getting hungry yet? NUTS AND CHEESE: POWERHOUSE FOODS! It’s not an accident we mentioned blending spinach with walnuts and feta. Cheese and nuts are both amazing options for healthy holiday foods that support oral health. Most of us are aware of the role calcium plays in keeping our teeth and bones healthy. Cheeses and other dairy foods have loads of calcium, and cheese specifically contains great levels of phosphate. Together, these minerals strengthen your teeth and bones, and also help balance the pH of your mouth. Neutralizing acids (such as from those awesome citrus fruits) helps prevent erosion and cavities. Nothing says Christmas quite like a bowl of walnuts beside a nutcracker doll. Nuts are a powerhouse healthy holiday food, packed with tons of nutrients that help keep your teeth healthy. Most nuts have calcium and phosphorus. Walnuts contain folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, iron, niacin, Vitamin E, B6, potassium, zinc… Many nuts can help prevent sores like angular cheilitis (sores at the corners of the mouth), and some even inhibit the growth of bacteria that can cause cavities! HOLIDAY MAGIC: HEALTHY FOODS THAT MIGHT SURPRISE YOU! There are some foods that may surprise you with how they can support your oral health! RAISINS Sticky and sweet foods are supposed to be bad for your teeth, right? It may surprise you, but raisins have been shown to benefit your teeth. Raisins contain phytonutrients that help fight cavities. The combination of five plant-based antioxidants including oleanolic acids discourage the growth of bacteria that cause cavities, and may also stop harmful bacteria from sticking to the surfaces of teeth. Including them in some healthy holiday foods is a great move! Of course, don’t let their benefits get canceled out by only putting them in super-sweet oatmeal cookies. CHOCOLATE Candy is always bad for your teeth, right? Another surprise tooth-healthy holiday food is chocolate! Specifically, dark chocolate. Dark chocolate (70% or higher) is a great source of those same polyphenols you can find in pomegranate. Studies have shown dark chocolate may fight cavities, and help reinforce enamel. In fact, there have even been attempts to make toothpaste from cacao! Unfortunately, milk chocolates don’t contain enough cacao to benefit your teeth, and the added milk and sugars aren’t great for your teeth either. RED WINE Leave it to researchers in Spain to discover potential health benefits in red wine. But, it’s true! Red wine contains polyphenol just like dark chocolate and pomegranate. That means it may inhibit harmful bacteria, and keep bacteria from sticking to your teeth. Of course, we all know red wine can significantly stain your teeth, too. Fortunately, we have you covered with tooth whitening in Winter Park, FL so you can enjoy your wine and a bright smile, too! We hope you enjoy your healthy holiday foods and a great winter season!

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