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  • Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea

    Getting treatment for your snoring or sleep apnea can be life changing. Imagine waking up feeling rested and refreshed instead of exhausted. Imagine being able to focus and living without brain fog. Imagine not waking up to your spouse elbowing you to get you to stop snoring. If you’re looking for a safe, affordable, comfortable way to reduce your sleep apnea symptoms in Winter Park, FL,  an oral appliance for sleep apnea may be the perfect solution! SLEEP APNEA SYMPTOMS AND HEALTH RISKS Untreated sleep apnea puts a significant strain on the body. Studies show that moderate to severe sleep apnea directly and significantly increases your mortality risk. Sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke among other serious health issues. Take a look at our previous post for more details about the signs, symptoms, and risks associated with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can also cause personality changes due to chronic sleep deprivation. HOW CAN AN ORAL APPLIANCE HELP MY SLEEP APNEA? To understand how a sleep apnea appliance works, it’s helpful to understand how sleep apnea happens. As the muscles of the mouth, jaw, and upper throat relax during sleep, some of these structures can obstruct the free flow of air into the lungs. Specifically, the back of the tongue slides backward and into the throat, blocking the airway. The muscles of the tongue attach to the underside of the jawbone. So where the jawbone goes, the tongue follows. Oral appliances for sleep apnea work by positioning the jaw, thereby keeping the tongue from blocking the throat. Our expert team at Anderson Family Dental has advanced training in the best techniques to craft custom appliances that draw the jawbone forward and hold it comfortably in position while you sleep. AM I A CANDIDATE FOR A SLEEP APNEA APPLIANCE? Oral appliances for sleep apnea are ideal for patients who: Have talked to a physician and confirmed that they have obstructive sleep apnea and not another type. Can’t tolerate a CPAP, even though they’ve given themselves plenty of time to adjust. Need a portable option to reduce their sleep apnea symptoms during travel. Have a CPAP but aren’t getting the results they want. Have mild to moderate sleep apnea or snoring. Can tolerate wearing the appliance, which fits over the teeth like an orthodontic retainer, while they sleep. This approach won’t help if you have central sleep apnea, which is caused when the brain doesn’t send the signals for breathing while you sleep. CAN I USE AN ORAL APPLIANCE AND A CPAP AT THE SAME TIME? Yes! Combining ideal jaw positioning with positive airway pressure devices (CPAP machines) may give you even better results than a CPAP alone. With the airway held open, you may be able to get the benefits you need with your CPAP on a lower setting, which can be more comfortable and make your machine more tolerable. If you use a nasal CPAP, we can create an oral appliance to use with it as a combined therapy. Your appliance also gives you a portable option to take with you when you travel while retaining your CPAP as the main therapy you use at home. If you need a CPAP with a full face mask that covers your nose and mouth, an oral appliance isn’t right for you, although it may be worth considering NightLase®! PROS AND CONS FOR SLEEP APNEA APPLIANCE PROS: Easy to use. No hoses, masks, or power supply needed. Easy to clean. A quick rinse every morning, a gentle wipe-down with mild dish soap, and an occasional soak in diluted vinegar will keep your appliance clean and fresh. Comfortable. Because we will create your appliance custom for your teeth using precision techniques, most patients find it very comfortable to wear every night. Portable. As we mentioned above, an oral appliance is easy to take with you on overnight trips. Won’t cause claustrophobia or limit your sleeping position. Because a CPAP requires you to stay in one position while you sleep, it can make some patients feel anxious or cause physical discomfort if you can’t shift your position at night. Affordable. Oral appliances cost less than a CPAP machine in most cases. CONS: Can cause jaw strain in some patients. If you already struggle with TMJ disorder, we’ll need to carefully evaluate the joints to be sure the appliance won’t make things worse. (However, many people with sleep apnea develop TMJ problems because they grind their teeth when their airway becomes blocked. So it may help to relieve jaw pain in some cases!) Not effective for every type of sleep apnea. As mentioned above, central sleep apnea is a neurological condition that won’t improve with mechanical treatments like an appliance. If you have severe sleep apnea, an oral appliance may have limited effects. But if you can’t tolerate a CPAP, an oral appliance may give you some benefit. It’s better than leaving your condition completely untreated! May lead to dry mouth. Some patients breathe through their mouth when they wear a sleep apnea oral appliance, which can lead to uncomfortable dry mouth issues. DON'T WASTE ANOTHER NIGHT ON BAD SLEEP Drs. Bryant and Kathleen Anderson have made it our mission to help you enjoy a better quality of life with comprehensive care to address every aspect of your wellbeing. Our ongoing pursuit of advanced training allows us to stay at the forefront of improvements in dental therapy that can improve our patients’ lives. That’s why our practice is constantly evolving to incorporate the most updated and effective treatments for issues like sleep apnea. Ready to start enjoying more restorative sleep? Call us to schedule your consultation for a sleep apnea appliance consultation in Winter Park, FL! Dr. Bryant Anderson, DMD Dr. Anderson also completed a Mastery program in Dental Sleep Medicine where he gained invaluable knowledge in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. He maintains membership in many dental organizations and has received his fellowship in the International Congress of Oral Implantology and his fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry. READ MORE

  • Helping Your Child Feel Confident at the Dentist

    Good experiences in the dental office can set your child up for a lifetime of excellent oral health. However, many kids find the dental office environment intimidating and overwhelming. Let’s face it: it can even be hard for adults to tolerate dental procedures. It’s even harder for kids, who may have trouble sitting still on a good day and may not understand what’s happening or why they need to see the dentist. How can you help your child have good dental experiences so they can enjoy a strong, healthy smile for life? SET THE STAGE FOR SUCCESS: TALK ABOUT IT! The first, and probably most important thing you can do is talk to your children about the dentist. Here are some examples to share with your children: The dentist is here to help. It’s their job to make sure your teeth stay strong and healthy. Everyone in the dental office cares about you. They want you to feel comfortable, so you can tell them if you feel nervous or need to take a break. It’s okay to feel scared or not want to do this. We’ll be there to help you get through it. Some of the things we need to do might feel uncomfortable, but you’re safe. The dentist will do everything they can to help you stay comfortable. It’s important to keep these conversations focused on the positive as much as possible. But it can also help if they know what to expect. If you think your child would benefit from knowing the step-by-step process of their visit, be sure to put it in age-appropriate terms. We try to avoid saying words like drill or shot. Instead, describe things gently in a way they’ll understand. So for a cavity filling, for example, we might say that the dentist is going to polish away the sick part of the tooth and make it strong again. They might give the tooth some medicine before they start so it can take a nap while it’s getting fixed. WHAT NOT TO SAY One of the biggest mistakes many parents make is to make dental care seem like a punishment. It can be so hard to get kids to brush their teeth. So many of us may say things like “If you don’t brush your teeth, you’ll get cavities, and the dentist will have to give you shots and drill your teeth.” Then if the day ever comes that they need a filling, the scenario has been built up in their mind as something bad. It’s a consequence of not doing what they were supposed to do. No wonder many kids come to our chair feeling fearful and want nothing to do with the dentist! In your day-to-day conversations, be sure to always frame the dentist as a helper, not a punishment. Just as important as talking directly to children about the dentist, be careful about what you say in front of them (even if you don’t think they’re listening). Children overhear a lot. So if you’re letting your best friend know how much you hated your last cleaning, your child might start to feel anxious and negative about their next visit. Try to save those conversations for when your child isn’t around. LET THEM ASK QUESTIONS Kids are naturally curious. Give them an opportunity to ask questions and try to answer their questions as honestly as possible. Of course, you may not have a thorough understanding of an upcoming visit. In that case, help them come up with a list of a few questions to bring to their visit! We’re always happy to answer any questions you or your child have. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Many children love to play at different jobs. They might pretend to be a teacher or veterinarian. Why not a dentist? You can lie on the sofa and give your child a flashlight and let them look at your teeth and pretend to take care of your teeth. Seeing the process from the dentist’s point of view can help replace feelings of anxiety with curiosity and exploration. You can also help them practice being a good patient by switching places and mimicking what their visit might feel like. This is also a great way to do a very thorough job brushing their teeth. BRING DISTRACTIONS When the day arrives, a few props can make the whole visit more tolerable. Try to bring: Sunglasses. The overhead light can be uncomfortable for kids. Earplugs or headphones. This will cut down on sensory overload from the sounds of the polisher or drill. Fidget toys or a comfort item. Keeping their hands busy or having a familiar, comforting item to hold will help them focus less on feeling uncomfortable. A small blanket. Some kids may feel chilly when they get anxious. A blanket can be comforting. You may be able to bring a tablet or device to watch videos but ask your dental team first. These devices can sometimes get in the way of their instruments and prevent kids from turning their head the right way for them to be able to work. FING THE RIGHT TEAM AND SCHEDULE SMART! The most important thing you can do to help your child feel comfortable at the dental office? Find the right dentist! Our Winter Park dental team is here to help. As parents, Drs. Kathleen and Bryant Anderson understand the struggle of helping your child feel comfortable in a medical environment. They know how important it is to provide a welcoming, comforting presence for kids. Scheduling the visit at the right time of day is another key to a good experience. For very young children, that may mean being aware of naptime and avoiding scheduling their appointments when they would usually be asleep. It’s tempting to leave dental visits until the end of the day so they don’t miss school. But at the end of a long day, kids can be worn out, making it harder to tolerate the discomfort of a dental appointment. Most kids do better with early morning visits. At Anderson Family Dental, in Winter Park, we’re proud to offer flexible scheduling, including early mornings, so your whole family can get the care they need at a time that works for them! Call us to schedule a dental cleaning and check-up for your child.

  • Sleep Apnea Treatments with NightLase®

    When was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed? Do you share a bedroom with someone who’s constantly complaining about your snoring? Do you often wake up with a stiff or fatigued jaw or a headache? You may be suffering with airway issues during sleep. Sleep apnea and snoring can disturb your sleep and your loved ones, too. It’s always a good idea to talk to your physician about getting a sleep study. But don’t forget to talk to your team at Anderson Family Dental, too! We’re proud to offer snoring and sleep apnea treatments in Winter Park, FL. WHAT IS SLEEP APNEA? Sleep apnea is interrupted breathing during sleep. There are three main types of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common and easiest to treat. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the muscles around your airway relax and your soft palate, upper throat, or tongue block air going into the lungs. Other types of sleep apnea involve the brain failing to send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing and takes special treatments. WARNING SIGNS OF SLEEP APNEA Loud snoring Sleep study, sleep partner, or family member observing episodes where you stop breathing during sleep. Waking up with headaches in the morning. Difficulty staying asleep. Gasping for air during sleep. Feeling excessively sleepy during the day. Difficulty paying attention during the day. Feeling irritable regularly. Waking up with a dry mouth. HOW SLEEP APNEA AFFECTS YOUR TEETH Sleep apnea can also be associated with tooth grinding and clenching, so you may also wake up with symptoms related to your jaw. For example, sore, stiff, or tired jaw muscles, sore or sensitive teeth, stuffy or painful ears, and stiff neck. Why would breathing problems make you grind your teeth? Many of the muscles involved in keeping your airway open are connected to your lower jaw. So moving the jaw can sometimes help open the airway. In fact, at our Winter Park office we can make appliances that move the jaw forward to help keep the airway open and relieve some symptoms of sleep apnea, such as snoring. HOW DO I SNORE? Speaking of snoring, how can your soft palate and jaw position lead to noisy sleep? As the tissues of the throat and soft palate relax and soften, they close together, creating resistance against air flowing into the lungs. As the diaphragm pulls harder to get enough air into the lungs, the air moving through the constricted airway causes the tissues to vibrate, creating a percussive noise. In many people, snoring becomes a sort of feedback loop that increases in intensity over several breaths, sometimes ending in a short period of held breath followed by gasping or shifting as the body tries to recover from lack of oxygen. HOW CAN SNORING & SLEEP APNEA AFFECT YOUR HEALTH? Snoring and sleep apnea can lead to very serious long-term health problems, including: Increased risk for heart attack, stroke, and irregular heartbeat. High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome. Increased risk for complications during surgery or other medical care. Liver problems. Strain on relationships in the household. Mental health problems and increased risk for depression. Increased risk for behavioral problems and learning disorders in children. So while many of us joke about snoring, it’s a symptom that should be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible to prevent potentially serious problems for your health. HOW CAN MY DENTIST MAKE ME SLEEP BETTER & STOP SNORING? If you think you have sleep apnea, it’s important to talk to your physician about getting a sleep study done and possibly getting treatment such as a CPAP. However, there are additional options that can help! Our Winter Park dentists, Drs. Bryant and Kathleen Anderson, have advanced training in recognizing and treating snoring and sleep apnea. Our treatment options make great additions to help your CPAP work better, or as an alternative for patients who cannot tolerate a CPAP, or who need immediate help while waiting for a sleep study or other interventions. WHAT IS NIGHTLASE® In addition to creating oral appliances that can help keep your airway open, we offer an advanced laser treatment that can significantly tighten the soft palate and tissues of the throat, helping to keep the airway open while you sleep. NightLase® is a non-invasive, non-surgical laser treatment that reduces sleep apnea effects. The specialized laser gently stimulates collagen in the skin of the throat to contract, pulling the soft palate and throat tissue away from the airway and increasing airflow overnight. With years of peer-reviewed clinical research and FDA approval, this therapy can safely improve your sleep and decrease the effects of sleep apnea. WHAT IS THE PROCESS LIKE? NightLase® treatment doesn’t involve anesthesia, painful treatments, or uncomfortable recovery. Treatment only takes about 20 minutes. You’ll relax comfortably while we sweep the laser over the tissues at the back of your throat. Most patients report a warm sensation while the laser is working. A full course of NightLase® includes three sessions performed over a six-week period. However, most patients notice a difference after the first visit! Clinical research has show a significant reduction in snoring and airway issues, and your final results can last up to two years, after which the treatment can be repeated. HOW NIGHTLASE® HELPS After your NightLase® treatment, the collagen in the treated tissues will contract, tightening and shrinking the soft palate and upper throat area. This firmer tissue will stay clear of the airway even as the muscles relax during deep sleep. That means no vibrating soft palate keeping your family awake at night, no more waking up gasping for air, and hopefully improved moods and better sleep for everyone in the house! READY TO START SLEEPING BETTER? If you’re thinking about scheduling a snoring or sleep apnea consultation in Winter Park, FL, there’s no better time than now. The effects of disrupted sleep can affect every aspect of your mood, work, and social life. You don’t have to suffer with sleep problems! With NightLase®, you can enjoy more energy, better mornings, and less getting elbowed in the ribs by your partner at night. Call us today, or book an appointment online, to schedule your consultation for snoring or sleep apnea laser treatment at our Winter Park dental office. Dr. Bryant Anderson, DMD Dr. Anderson also completed a Mastery program in Dental Sleep Medicine where he gained invaluable knowledge in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. He maintains membership in many dental organizations and has received his fellowship in the International Congress of Oral Implantology and his fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry.  READ MORE

  • Welcome Dr. Kathleen Anderson!

    Anderson Family Dental is more than just a name, it’s how we run our practice. And now we’re making it literal! We are overjoyed to welcome Dr. Kathleen Anderson to our team. For those of you who aren’t already aware, Dr. Bryant Anderson is married to a dentist who is just as talented, knowledgeable, and compassionate as he is. If you’ve been a patient at Anderson Family Dental, you know we’re committed to delivering exceptional experiences at every visit. Both Dr. Bryant and Kathleen Anderson are equally committed to creating a welcoming, compassionate environment for all our patients. MEET DR. KATHLEEN ANDERSON Dr. Kathleen graduated at the top of her class from UF and was recognized for her accomplishments with an induction into the prestigious dental honor society OKU.  She’s a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry and the International College of Oral Implantologists. With advanced training from the Spear Institute and Dawson Academy and a passion for lifelong learning in dentistry, Dr. Kathleen continues to grow as a clinician so she can offer her patients comprehensive solutions to any treatment needs they may have. Dr. Kathleen’s extensive knowledge in all aspects of general dentistry enables her to provide many services that go beyond what many dentists offer. After 12 years as a dentist, she is elated to open a new chapter in her career and join our team as a partner. HOW DR. KATHLEEN ANDERSON CAN CHANGE YOUR DENTAL OFFICE EXPERIENCE Our philosophy of care centers on empowering you to make informed and confident decisions about your dental healthcare. One of Dr. Kathleen’s strengths as a dentist is giving every patient fully focused and empathetic attention. She always seeks to truly understand how your oral health is affecting your day-to-day life and how you hope her care can help. Understanding your smile goals is the first step in providing you with curated care and tailored treatment plans, custom-created for your unique needs. Her compassionate demeanor will help you overcome any anxieties you may have about seeking dental care, so you can enjoy fearless dentistry no matter what treatment needs you may have. ELEVATING DENTISTRY AS A FAMILY! Dr. Bryant and Dr. Kathleen met in dental school, and their shared love of improving lives through better oral health has been a cornerstone of their happy marriage. From everyone on our team, we welcome Dr. Kathleen and look forward to a new era at Anderson Family Dental. Schedule your new patient exam or next appointment today to help us welcome Dr. Kathleen to the team!

  • Is Your Smile Ready for the Holidays?

    The holidays are right around the corner! For many of us, that means visiting with family out of state, or inviting loved ones into our own homes. Maybe you’re planning a trip to some winter wonderland to escape the Florida heat. Or maybe you’re hoping to just relax and have a little downtime. Whatever your plans are for this holiday season, the last thing you need is a dental emergency ruining it! Most dental offices in Winter Park, FL will be closed more than usual during the end of the year, and Anderson Family Dental is no exception. Here are 5 easy things you can do to enjoy the holidays without worrying about your teeth! 1. PREVENT INJURIES Many families love a game of touch football in the backyard after Thanksgiving dinner. But unlike organized sports, those spontaneous games don’t usually include mouthguards or helmets to keep your teeth safe. Bumping into another person can lead to broken, loose, or even knocked out teeth. While we won’t discourage you from enjoying your favorite physical activities during the holidays, do what you can to protect your family’s teeth. That may mean keeping sports on a soft surface or suggesting an activity that’s low contact. Or if you have mouthguards around, use them! 2. DON'T USE YOUR TEETH AS TOOLS We’re all looking forward to tearing into those holiday gifts. But using your teeth to gnaw through tough packaging is a recipe for disaster. Many of us turn to our teeth to help us clip loose threads, break through plastics, or even bend metal. Using your teeth as tools can cause serious damage including chips, fractures, and nerve pain. If this sounds familiar, do yourself a favor and add a Swiss army knife to your Christmas wish list this year! 3. STICK TO YOUR HOME CARE HABITS Winter holidays are all about getting a break from our normal routine. That may mean taking it easy, or it may mean total chaos trying to prepare elaborate meals. Either way, the holidays are an easy time to ignore our usual self-care habits. And many times, brushing and flossing fall by the wayside first. Do your best to keep your teeth strong and gums healthy over the holidays by sticking to those healthy habits. And remember, if you feel Thanksgiving turkey stuck in your teeth, floss is much safer for your gums than a toothpick! 4. STAY HYDRATED In all the hustle and bustle of holiday celebrations, many of us forget to drink water. After all, the weather is (a little) cooler than normal, so you may not be sweating as much as just a few months ago. Unfortunately, many of us also add a lot of dehydrating habits during the holidays. You may enjoy a glass of wine with dinner or eat more salt than usual. Even mild dehydration can lead to decreased saliva and dry mouth, which is a recipe for the bacterial in your mouth to go crazy. Staying hydrated helps keep bacteria under control and keep your teeth healthy. 5. AVOID SENSITIVE TRIGGERS Who doesn’t love those sweet holiday treats? Whether you’re making cookies for Santa or enjoying Publix pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, many of us eat more sugar than usual during the holidays. But sugar can also cause serious tooth pain! When we eat sugar, it causes a shift in the pH of our oral environment, which can irritate the small nerves in our teeth. In fact, many patients call us convinced they have a severe cavity because of sugar-induced tooth pain. Be sure to rinse well with water after eating and use a quality fluoride toothpaste to help keep sensitivity under control. And maybe leave that one extra cookie for Santa… What Can You Do to Prevent Dental Emergencies During the Holidays? If your dentist has recommended treatments, but you’ve been putting them off, now is the time! If possible, try to get your treatments scheduled ASAP. This will help ensure you have a clean bill of dental health going into the holiday season, which will help you avoid dental emergencies. But if you have a dental emergency in Central Florida while our office is closed, we’re still here to help! We will have an emergency answering service available to help you troubleshoot any issues and communicate with Dr. Anderson so you can get the care you need and get back to enjoying your holidays. Have a healthy and happy holiday season!

  • Dental Cleanings: The Key to Great Oral Health

    Getting your teeth cleaned regularly is a great way to protect your oral health. But for many people, regular teeth cleanings can be very uncomfortable. You may wonder if it’s necessary to get your teeth cleaned even if your teeth feel healthy. What are the benefits of teeth cleaning every 6 months? Let’s look at what your dental team is doing during your routine cleanings and why these check-ups are so important. BENEFITS OF PROFESSIONAL TEETH CLEANING If you have good overall oral health, your dentist will likely recommend getting your teeth cleaned every six months. Why should you see the dentist twice per year if everything is healthy? WHAT HAPPENS AT A ROUTINE DENTAL CLEANING? Obviously one of our main goals during your regular cleanings is to remove buildup. Plaque is a gel-like film made of bacteria and bacterial byproducts. With great home care habits, you can get most of this plaque off at home when you brush and floss. However, even the best technique can’t get everything. Your floss can only reach about three millimeters below your gums. That means any area of unattached gum tissue deeper than 4mm won’t get cleaned even with the best flossing technique. Likewise, your toothbrush is great for cleaning above the gums, but can’t reach below the gum line. That’s where your hygienist focuses during your regular cleanings. Other than plaque, there is also tartar. The dental term for tartar is calculus. It’s a hard, rough, chalky mineral buildup that develops where plaque absorbs minerals from your saliva and becomes calcified. You won’t be able to remove calculus from your teeth with a toothbrush and floss. Unfortunately, tartar is also very damaging to your gum tissue. Tartar below the gums can damage the support systems that keep your teeth in place, including the gum tissue, ligaments, and even the bone sockets. Your hygienist will carefully feel below your gums for any calcified deposits and fully remove them, leaving your teeth smooth and relieving irritation to your gums. We’ll also remove stains and polish your teeth so you can enjoy a refreshed, beautiful smile! WHAT DOES MY HYGENIST DO BESIDES CLEANING MY TEETH? Yes! In addition to cleaning every tooth surface carefully, your hygienist will also collect diagnostics to track any changes to the health of your teeth and gums. We’ll measure your gums to keep a close watch on any developing gum disease. We’ll also take regular check-up x-rays which will allow us to see many issues and perform timely treatments. Your hygienist will examine all areas of your mouth, checking for any unusual lesions on your teeth as well as your tongue, cheeks, and palate. This close visual inspection gives us a chance to screen for problems like oral cancer. Early detection is essential to effective treatment, and your regular dental cleaning is a great way to keep an eye on any potential suspicious areas. WHY DOES MY HYGEINIST SAY THAT I NEED MORE THAN 2 CLEANINGS PER YEAR? For some patients, it’s better to get your teeth cleaned every three or four months rather than every six. There are several reasons your dentist or hygienist might recommend more frequent cleanings, such as: You build up heavy plaque. Tartar builds up on your teeth faster than other people’s. Your teeth become heavily stained between visits. You have a history of periodontal disease and bone loss. We’re treating active gum disease. You have systemic health problems that put you at higher risk for oral health problems. In some cases, your dental team may recommend temporarily getting your teeth cleaned more frequently. For example, if you’ve developed gingivitis, are undergoing certain medical treatments such as cancer treatments, or you’re experiencing certain health conditions that can affect your gums such as pregnancy. I HATE GETTING MY TEETH CLEANED, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Talk to us about it! Many people experience intense tooth sensitivity, tender gums, or a strong gag reflex during their routine dental cleanings. If getting your teeth cleaned is a struggle, you’re not alone. Let Dr. Anderson and your dental hygienist know about your discomfort during dental cleanings. We have many options for making dental cleanings more comfortable for you. Many patients benefit from numbing gel to control gum tenderness. In some cases, nitrous oxide is a great way to stay relaxed and comfortable during your routine cleanings. If you have painful or sensitive teeth in one area, we may be able to numb the area completely. Our number one goal for every visit to our office is to give you the best, most comfortable experience possible. If fear of discomfort has ever made you want to put off a dental cleaning, let us know. We’re here for you!

  • How Can Invisalign® Improve Oral Health?

    Many people seek out orthodontic treatments like Invisalign® with dreams of a beautiful smile of straight teeth. But did you know Invisalign can also improve your oral health? Invisalign is a subtle way to improve the alignment of your teeth, which can improve your bite and prevent many problems including gum disease, cavities, cracks, and even TMJ disorder. Let’s take a look at some of the ways Invisalign can improve your oral health! INVISALIGN CREATES A BETTER BITE Ideally, your teeth work as a team. Properly aligned teeth share the pressure of your bite evenly. Misalignments like crowded, tilted, spaced, or rotated teeth prevent the even distribution of pressure in your bite. That puts excessive pressure on fewer contact points and can cause serious damage to your teeth over time. An imperfect bite can lead to the enamel wearing down as well as putting the teeth at higher risk for chipping, cracks, and fractures. In severe cases, this uneven pressure can even damage the bone and ligaments that support the teeth, causing teeth to become loose. CLEAR ALIGNERS CAN REDUCE TEETH GRINDING Poorly aligned teeth can cause grinding and clenching. When your teeth can’t match up evenly, your jaw may have trouble finding a stable position to rest. As your jaw looks for a stable resting position, the pattern of movement frequently becomes grinding and clenching habits called bruxism. This may happen mostly at night when you’re not even aware it’s happening. Bruxism can damage the nerves of the teeth, making your teeth sensitive. As mentioned earlier, uneven pressure on the teeth can also make them loose by damaging the bone that supports the teeth and keeps them in place. Grinding and clenching can make this process worse. Because bruxism strains the jaw joints and chewing muscles, it leads to problems like chronic headaches, TMJ disorder, even pain in the neck and upper back. Improving your bite with Invisalign, along with other interventions like BOTOX or a night guard, can improve bruxism and prevent further damage. It may even help you sleep better! STRAIGHT TEETH ARE EASIER TO CLEAN Did you know Invisalign can improve your gums and even prevent cavities? Rotated, crowded, and improperly spaced teeth can be difficult to keep clean. Not only does misalignment create traps for plaque and food debris; it’s also harder to brush and floss properly. Invisalign decreases your risks for gingivitis and tooth decay by making it easier to keep your teeth clean. Straight teeth are easier to brush and floss properly, which is key to preventing gum inflammation and cavities. On top of better brushing, the friction of your tongue, cheeks, and even rough foods can all disrupt plaque and provide cleansing throughout the day. Straight teeth build up less plaque and are less likely to trap food. INVISALIGN CAN BOOST CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SMILE Feeling confident in your smile is good for your health, too! If crooked teeth make you want to hide your smile, it can impact your social life and even job prospects. Invisalign can help give you a smile you love, boosting your emotional and psychological wellbeing. Because your teeth are easier to keep clean, they’ll also be less likely to build up stain, meaning your straighter teeth will stay brighter so you’ll truly love showing off your smile! ASK US IF INVISALIGN IS RIGHT FOR YOU Invisalign has the potential to make significant improvements to your oral health. Unfortunately, it’s not the right solution for everyone. Clear aligners like Invisalign don’t work for all types of misalignments. Traditional orthodontics may be more appropriate if you have significant problems with tooth positioning. Invisalign is a great option for people who need certain types of adjustments, or who have had orthodontic treatment in the past, but the teeth have shifted since then. If you’re wondering whether Invisalign is right for you, we’re more than happy to discuss your options! Schedule your Invisalign consultation in Winter Park, FL or ask us at your next check-up. We can’t wait to help you enjoy better oral health and a smile you’ll love for life!

  • Facial Rejuvenation with BOTOX®

    When many people think about reducing their wrinkles and restoring firm, youthful skin with BOTOX®, their first thought may be to call their dermatologist. Let’s take a close look at how facial rejuvenation with BOTOX® makes a perfect addition to your routine dental care! Busting BOTOX® Myths MYTH: BOTOX will freeze your face and make it impossible to make any expressions. FACT: “Frozen” and expressionless faces happen because of a BOTOX overdose (which will wear off over time, but it’s annoying in the meantime). With Dr. Anderson’s experience, expertise, and conservative approach, you won’t be left with a frozen face. MYTH: Once you start taking care of wrinkles with BOTOX you have to keep doing it or the wrinkles will get worse. FACT: BOTOX naturally wears off after several weeks to a few months, and your face will slowly return to its previous appearance as you go back to your habitual movements. MYTH: The injections are painful! FACT: Most people experience very little to no discomfort at all. Unlike many shots, the needle used to administer BOTOX is so thin you’ll barely feel it! MYTH: BOTOX is only for women. FACT: Absolutely not! Anyone can benefit from the therapeutic and cosmetic benefits of BOTOX. MYTH: BOTOX is dangerous. FACT: BOTOX was FDA approved for facial rejuvenation and other clinical purposes in 1989! That’s over 30 years of experience, research, and millions of satisfied patients who have benefitted from BOTOX. The extremely low dose and localized application that doesn’t spread to other areas of the body make BOTOX safe and effective. As you can see, BOTOX is a safe and effective way any patient can enjoy refreshed skin without a frozen face. What else can BOTOX do for your smile? WHAT CAN BOTOX® DO FOR MY SMILE? Feeling confident in your smile is a big deal. It can change how others see you and significantly improve your emotional and psychological wellbeing. You deserve a smile that makes you feel great! A great smile starts with beautiful teeth, but your full smile involves your entire face. BOTOX can tighten your skin tone, help your eyes look brighter and more awake by lifting the brow line, shrink pores and smooth out your skin texture, and of course help eliminate wrinkles. Many people also notice their skin looks more uniform and even seems to have a youthful glow. Beyond the benefits to your skin, BOTOX can also directly affect the shape of your smile. For example, we can strategically target the muscles that lift your upper lip to relieve a gummy smile. BOTOX can also shrink overdeveloped chewing muscles, helping the face look slimmer and less angular. Even if you’re not having other symptoms of bruxism grinding and clenching habits can enlarge the biting muscles near the angles of the jaw. When those muscles stick out, it can make your face look more masculine, bottom-heavy, or uneven. Therapeutic BOTOX to treat grinding and clenching helps those heavy closing muscles shrink, creating more harmony to the shape of your face. BOTOX can also help the look of your smile by calming muscles that pull down on the corners of your mouth and engage the front of your neck (platysmal bands). This helps your smile look softer and less like a grimace while also decreasing wrinkles in the neck and sometimes even decreasing the appearance of “jowls.” WHY BOTOX® AT THE DENTIST? Dentists arguably know the nerves, muscles, and anatomy of the face, neck, and head better than most other healthcare professionals. Through dental school and advanced training, we master even the most minute nerves and muscles, so we know exactly where they are and how they interact with each other. That means we know the most efficient areas to place your BOTOX injections, so you get the most benefit at the lowest possible dose. Beyond our expertise in the musculature of the face and neck, we’re uniquely qualified to incorporate BOTOX into a holistic approach to creating your dream smile. As part of your cosmetic dentistry treatment plan, we can take your full smile into account to create harmony and balance. Then there’s the therapeutic benefits as well! As dental healthcare professionals, we can ease headaches, tooth grinding, muscle pain in the head and neck, and many other problems. Because we can take a comprehensive approach to your full smile and therapeutic needs, dentists can ensure you get the most benefit from your BOTOX. WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU LOVE YOUR SMILE If you’ve ever wondered if BOTOX could help you feel refreshed and more confident, we would love to discuss your concerns and smile goals. Don’t hesitate to schedule a BOTOX consultation in Winter Park, FL, right here in the same comfortable practice you already know and love. We have the expertise and experience to help you enjoy facial rejuvenation and a beautiful, youthful smile, from top to bottom!

  • Dentures vs. Dental Implants: Weighing the Pros and Cons

    Missing and severely damaged teeth can make it hard to live life to the fullest. Difficulty biting and chewing can take the joy out of eating. Feeling ashamed of your smile can affect your confidence and how others see you. Dental health problems can even impact your career and romantic life. Whether you’re already missing teeth or you’re struggling with failing dental health, losing your teeth can feel discouraging and overwhelming. Understanding your tooth replacement options can help you feel more comfortable with restoring your smile so you can get back to enjoying life! Let’s take a look at three methods for replacing your teeth. TRADITIONAL DENTURES Most of us are all too familiar with the idea of leaving your teeth in a glass on the nightstand. Many people avoid addressing their failing dental health because they hate the idea of old-fashioned dentures. Traditional dentures sit over the soft tissue of an arch that is missing all the teeth. They are held in place by suction and require adequate saliva to stay in place. PROS Cost-effective option for people who cannot afford dental implants, or who need a temporary fix while they await a more permanent solution to tooth loss. Adequate esthetics. Do not require surgery. Faster CONS Lightweight acrylic material is more fragile than other options; may chip and break over time. Cannot withstand full biting forces. Significantly limit food choices and can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Allow the bone of your jaw to shrink, changing the shape of your face and compromising the fit of your denture. Require adjustments, relines, and replacements as the shape of your tissue changes. May click, shift, and fall out. May rub and cause sores. IMPLANT SUPPORTED OVERDENTURES If you want a removable option that will stay securely in place without shifting or rubbing, an implant-supported denture may be a good solution for you. With just a few implant posts, Dr. Anderson can add significantly better stability and functionality to a removable prosthesis. In some cases, we may even be able to modify an existing denture to fit onto your implants, which is a great option for a temporary prosthesis while you wait for a more permanent restoration. PROS Flexibility of a removable option with the enhanced stability of dental implants. Aren’t held in place by suction, so prosthesis can be lower profile than traditional dentures. No uncomfortable adhesives. Fit will remain secure and won’t become loose over time. Much more functional than old fashioned dentures. CONS Moderately priced (more than a traditional denture, but less than fixed full mouth implants). Requires surgery. Healing takes time; not a quick fix. Not as durable as fixed full mouth implants. FULL MOUTH DENTAL IMPLANTS Permanently fixed full mouth dental implants are considered the gold standard solution to tooth loss. Their superior functionality and esthetics cannot be matched by other options. Fortunately, you won’t need an individual implant for each missing tooth! In most cases we can replace your full set of teeth all on four to six dental implants. Because they are permanently fixed, we can use heavier, harder, more durable materials such as zirconia to craft your restorations. These materials have the most natural-looking esthetics, meaning you’ll get a gorgeous smile that won’t lose its luster over time. PROS Restore up to 99% of normal biting function. Virtually no limits on what foods you can eat. Prevent bone loss and preserve the youthful contours of your face as well as health of your jaw joint. Resistant to stain, chips, fractures, and wear. Minimal maintenance required. You’ll never have to leave your teeth in a glass. Prosthesis will not cover the roof of your mouth, so they’ll feel most natural of any option. Closest thing to having your own full set of healthy teeth again! CONS Superior function and esthetics come at a cost. (However, it’s worth noting that full mouth dental implants don’t need the intensive upkeep of traditional dentures, which saves money in the long run.) Requires surgical placement of implant posts. Healing takes time; not a quick fix. YOU DONT HAVE TO SETTLE FOR STRUGGLING WITH MISSING TEETH We understand that failing dental health and missing teeth can leave you feeling discouraged and unsure about your future dental health. As always, Anderson Family Dental is here to help you enjoy better quality of life through better oral health, including full mouth dental implants in Winter Park, FL. Because we offer comprehensive dental care including dental implants as well as custom-crafting your beautiful restorations, we can deliver your dream smile conveniently under one roof. If you’re hesitant about the process of getting dental implants, we have dental sedation, so you can rest comfortably throughout your dental implant procedure. If you’re ready to rebuild your smile, schedule your dental implant consultation and we’ll walk you through all your options so you can feel completely confident that you’re getting the right treatment to suit your lifestyle as well as your budget. Get ready to start loving your smile!

  • Solutions for a Gummy Smile

    Feeling confident in your smile can help you feel at ease letting your personality shine. While most people are aware that tooth problems can affect your confidence, many people don’t consider how important your gums are in the look of your smile. Many smiles show more gum tissue than you may like, making your teeth look undersized and making it hard to feel great when you smile. If you find yourself shying away from photos, hiding your smile in social situations, or holding back when you laugh because of your gummy smile, we can help! WHAT IS A GUMMY SMILE? When we smile, we engage muscles around the lips and cheeks that lift the upper lip. While good upper lip mobility can help your smile look youthful by showing enough of your top teeth, some people’s smiles show too much gum tissue. A gummy smile can happen because: You have short or overactive lip muscles that lift the upper lip too high. You have small teeth. Your gum tissue is enlarged or overgrown. Your bite is misaligned, causing the top teeth to protrude and make the gums more visible. The good news is that we have solutions for all of these causes for your gummy smile! BOTOX® - THE QUICK FIX FOR A GUMMY SMILE While it’s not the appropriate approach for all causes of gummy smile, BOTOX is a fast and effective option. If your smile shows too much gum tissue because your upper lip is overactive, a few quick, virtually painless BOTOX injections may be all you need. BOTOX will calm selected muscle fibers responsible for lifting your lip toward your nose when you smile. With a tiny amount of medication, usually just a couple of nearly painless injections, we can calm the muscles that lift your lip, helping to keep it from sliding too high while still letting your gorgeous smile shine. BOTOX is not permanent. It wears off in a few months, so we can always repeat, adjust, or discontinue your treatment depending on how happy you are with your results. While it is considered very safe, BOTOX isn’t right for everyone. Our team at Anderson Family Dental is more than happy to discuss the pros and cons to help you decide if it could help you love your smile! SURGICAL SOLUTIONS There are two main surgical solutions we routinely recommend for a gummy smile. Both involve reducing the gum tissue to help your teeth look bigger. GINGIVECTOMY We can reshape and reduce your gums with a very common gum surgery called gingivectomy or gingivoplasty. This is a great solution for patients with an uneven gumline, or whose gums have become overgrown because of chronic gingivitis or certain medications. Many patients need a gingivectomy after they get out of braces, which can cause gums to become inflamed and then overgrown. With today’s advanced techniques and technology, gingivectomy is a relatively comfortable, fast-healing procedure that can give you great results. CROWN LENGTHENING Depending on how your gum tissue sits on your teeth, you may get better results with crown lengthening. While gingivectomy usually refers to a subtle reduction of the gum tissue, crown lengthening can combine several types of procedures, depending on what you need. In some cases, your gummy smile may have more to do with how the teeth sit in the supporting bone. Adjusting the proportion of gums to teeth in your smile may mean reshaping the gums as well as the underlying bone, as well as restoring your teeth with dental veneers or crowns. RESTORATIVE SOLUTIONS TO ENHANCE THE LOOK OF YOUR SMILE Certain types of restorations can help rebuild lost enamel, increasing the size of your teeth relative to your gums. These approaches often make a great complement to surgical solutions that reduce the size of your teeth. PORCELAIN VENEERS If your teeth have become worn or shortened, or if you have certain teeth that are undersized, porcelain veneers for a gummy smile may help create more harmony in the look of your teeth. Veneer teeth can be paired with other therapies like BOTOX or gingivectomy to create your dream smile! CROWNS Dental crowns fully cover a tooth, giving it a strong, stable, beautiful new shape. Crowns are commonly a necessary part of the crown lengthening process, depending on how the supporting bone and gum tissue sits over your teeth. Dental crowns are a great way to create a strong, beautiful, harmonious smile that will last decades to come. TALK TO US ABOUT CRAFTING YOUR DREAM SMILE You deserve to feel great about letting your smile shine. If your gummy smile is holding you back, we want you to feel comfortable talking to us about your cosmetic dental concerns. Call us to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation in Winter Park, FL and let’s find the right solution for your gummy smile!

  • What Kind of Dental Crown Should I Get?

    When it comes to taking care of your smile, you deserve the best. But dental restorations are only as good as the materials they’re made of! Maybe you’re considering cosmetic dentistry in Winter Park, FL. Or maybe you need crowns or bridges to repair damaged or missing teeth. Either way, we want you to enjoy lasting health and a gorgeous smile with the best materials dentistry has to offer! Here’s a quick look at the pros and cons for three of the most common types of dental crowns. FULL CERAMIC DENTAL CROWN - ZIRCONIA & E-MAX Even though it’s a relative newcomer to the world of dental restorations, full ceramic zirconia and E-max crowns have become the ideal option for most restorations. In the past, dental materials could either restore beautiful, natural-looking esthetics or durability. But no material was great at both. Full ceramics are a game changer because they give us the most natural-looking esthetics and lasting durability, too. In many cases it’s more durable than traditional porcelain. Both zirconia and E-max can mimic the translucency, shine, and shade of natural enamel much more closely than other materials. With ceramic, we can seamlessly blend your restorations into your smile without sacrificing the long-term success of your treatment. Because we don’t need high-temp furnaces to fabricate zirconia and E-max restorations, we can make them right here on premises with CEREC technology. That means you get beautiful, durable restorations without the wait! PORCELAIN DENTAL CROWN For many years, porcelain was the go-to for crowns and bridges. In most cases, that meant porcelain fused over a metal base. (If you’ve ever seen a crown with a dark line near the gumline, it’s probably the metal base peeking through.) Although porcelain is still a great option in many cases, it’s quickly taking second place to zirconia. Porcelain fused to metal is often a more cost-effective option, but often has a shorter lifespan, so over time the cost of replacing your restoration can add up. Porcelain also needs to be fused in specialized furnaces, so needs to be made in an off-premises lab, which adds wait time to your treatments. Because it’s made from two separate materials, the porcelain can chip away from the metal base, which is a problem zirconia doesn’t have. It is possible to make a full porcelain crown, but they tend to be fragile, so zirconia or E-max are the better options at that point. METAL DENTAL CROWN Even before porcelain, noble metals like gold were the tried-and-true dental material for everything from fillings to crowns. These days, most people prefer an option that looks as natural as possible. So tooth-colored fillings and esthetic crowns are now the standard. However, there are still some cases when full metal crowns may be best. Stainless steel crowns are a common treatment for children’s teeth that need more support than a filling. While baby teeth can be taken out, it’s best to save damaged baby teeth whenever possible to prevent other teeth from shifting. Stainless is an inexpensive but durable material. Stainless steel crowns have a high success rate and help prevent repeated dental work. Gold is another great metal that can still be the best choice in some cases. Although it won’t look natural, gold is one of the most biocompatible dental materials, meaning it won’t irritate the tissues in your mouth. It’s strong but not brittle, so it can last almost indefinitely as long as the tooth underneath stays strong and healthy. WE WANT YOU TO GET THE BEST! Every time you visit us, our team will take whatever time you need to make sure you fully understand all your treatment options so you can choose the option that works best for your lifestyle and your budget. We understand that dental treatments can sometimes be unexpected, and it can be hard to fit them into your budget. We can help make sure you get the most out of your dental benefits and connect you with third-party dental financing with CareCredit. You deserve lasting dental health and a smile you love. Talk to us about how today’s dental materials can do both!

  • How Can You Tell if Your Gums are Healthy?

    Does your toothpaste come out pink after you brush? Does flossing sound like a nightmare because it hurts your gums? Gum disease is one of the most common chronic health problems in the country. In fact, about half of all adults in the US have gum disease. Gum disease puts you at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, pancreatitis, arthritis, and complications from diabetes among other serious health problems. This quick guide will break down the essentials so you can keep your gums as healthy as possible and enjoy a lifetime of beautiful smiles! WHAT DO HEALTHY GUMS LOOK LIKE? How can you tell if your gums are healthy? Here are a few key things to look for: COLOR The ideal color when your gums are healthy depends in part on your skin tone. Fair-skinned people usually have pink gums, and darker-skinned people may have gums with a coral tone. You may also have melanin deposits that create areas of very dark skin on your gums. The important thing is that healthy gums should not be red or blue-red. This redness might just be at the peaks of the gum tissue between your teeth, in isolated regions, or throughout all of your gum tissue. TEXTURE Your gums should be firm and resilient. Spongy gum tissue indicates inflammation and a build-up of fluid that damages the support structures in your skin like collagen and keratin. As collagen and keratin break down, the tissue loses its scaffolding and becomes softer and falls away from the teeth. SHAPE Gums support your teeth in the socket. They should be tight to the teeth and come to sharp points between the teeth. Gums that are rounded and puffy are inflamed. Gums can also become overgrown with certain medications, health conditions, and appliances like braces. SURFACE The surface of your gums should be stippled, which means it has little dimples like the skin of an orange. When gums get inflamed, they puff up, which stretches the surface of the skin, giving it a shiny, smooth appearance. BLEEDING Bleeding is the number one criterion for diagnosing gum disease. Inflamed gums bleed more easily because there is excess fluid and the tissue itself is more fragile. You may notice bleeding when you floss, brush, eat, or even at random. Remember, healthy gums don’t bleed! It's worth noting that nicotine constricts the tiny blood vessels near the surface of the gums, so they may not bleed even though you have gum disease. Many ex-smokers complain that their gums didn’t start bleeding until after they quit and think that quitting smoking is what made their gums start bleeding. In reality, it’s that your gums finally have good circulation again! HOW DOES YOUR DENTIST TRACK YOUR GUM HEALTH? Your dental health team needs to keep detailed records of how your gum health changes over time. Many of the diagnostic criteria for gum disease are hard to quantify. There are two main ways we can put exact numbers to your gum health: x-rays and periodontal charting. X-RAYS Your gums don’t show up on normal x-rays, or if they do, they’re very faint. So how do x-rays have anything to do with gum disease? In its early stages, gingivitis only affects the skin tissue of your gums. Left untreated, it starts to damage deeper structures like the ligaments around the roots of your teeth. As gum disease progresses, it damages the crest of bone that supports your teeth as well. We can identify bone damage and keep a close eye on its progress with your regular x-rays. PERIODONTAL CHARTING Have you ever wondered what your hygienist or dentist is doing when they prod your gums and call out a bunch of numbers? You might hear three-number sequences like 3,2,3 or 5,3,5, and so on. Periodontal charting is the best way we can track the size and position of your gums. The top edge of your gums is not connected to the teeth, sort of like the cuticle of your nails. We use a specialized ruler to gently measure how deep this unattached gum tissue is. These numbers are millimeters of unattached gum tissue. We can tell if your gums are enlarged or swollen, if you have receding gums, and keep track of where the gum tissue attaches to the root of your tooth. Ideally, these numbers should be under 3. 5 and above are numbers that get our attention. At 5mm, your toothbrush and floss cannot effectively clean out the bacteria in the deepest areas of your gums. That puts you at higher risk of progressive gum disease and bone loss. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAVE GUM DISEASE? If you are showing signs of gum disease, we’re here for you! No matter how advanced your gum disease is, we can help. By thoroughly removing build-up below the gums, flushing bacteria out, and helping you stick to a good home care routine, we can stabilize your gum health. If you’ve already lost teeth or have teeth that are no longer salvageable due to advanced periodontal disease, we can rebuild your smile and protect your health by treating your gum disease. If you’re worried about your gum health, we can help. Schedule your next dental health check-up with our team in Winter Park, FL and start enjoying better health!

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